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SampledCesiumPropertyT Properties

The SampledCesiumPropertyT generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackwardExtrapolationDuration
Gets or sets the amount of time to extrapolate backward before the property becomes undefined. A value of 0 will extrapolate forever. indicates that the value will not be specified in the CZML output.
Public propertyBackwardExtrapolationType
Gets or sets the type of extrapolation to perform when a value is requested at a time before any available samples. indicates that the value will not be specified in the CZML output.
Public propertyForwardExtrapolationDuration
Gets or sets the amount of time to extrapolate forward before the property becomes undefined. A value of 0 will extrapolate forever. indicates that the value will not be specified in the CZML output.
Public propertyForwardExtrapolationType
Gets or sets the type of extrapolation to perform when a value is requested at a time after any available samples. indicates that the value will not be specified in the CZML output.
Public propertyInterpolationAlgorithm
Gets or sets the algorithm to use for interpolation. indicates that the value will not be specified in the CZML output.
Public propertyInterpolationDegree
Gets or sets the degree of the polynomial to use for interpolation. indicates that the value will not be specified in the CZML output.
Public propertySamples
Gets or sets the samples.
Public propertySegmentBoundaryTimes
Gets or sets the list of times representing discontinuities that should not be interpolated over.
See Also