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DependentVariableDifferentialEquation Properties

The DependentVariableDifferentialEquation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDimension
Gets the total number of elements in the decomposed first-order derivative array.
(Inherited from DependentVariableDerivatives.)
Public propertyIsThreadSafe
Gets a value indicating whether the methods on this instance are safe to call from multiple threads simultaneously.
(Overrides DependentVariableDerivatives.IsThreadSafe.)
Public propertyOrders
Gets or sets the orders of the differential equations in the differential equations. Higher order equations are decomposed into first-order derivatives of each dependent variable such that the length of this set of orders corresponds to the sum of the orders of the original equations. So if the original equations were: A first order, B third order, C second order, D first order, then the resulting orders of this system of equations will be: 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1
(Inherited from DependentVariableDerivatives.)
Public propertySystemOfEquations
Gets or sets the system of equations which define the derivatives of a set of dependent variables.
See Also