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AccessQueryNot Class

An AccessQuery which is a logical NOT of another query. This query will be satisfied whenever the InvertedQuery is not satisfied.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Access
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public sealed class AccessQueryNot : AccessQuery

The AccessQueryNot type exposes the following members.

Public methodAccessQueryNot
Initializes a new instance.
Public methodAccessQueryNot(AccessQuery)
Initializes a new instance representing the logical NOT of a query.
Public propertyDebuggingLogger
Gets or sets a logger to which debugging information will be written.
(Inherited from AccessQuery.)
Public propertyInvertedQuery
Gets or sets the query to invert.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodClone
Clones this object using the specified context.
(Overrides DefinitionalObjectClone(CopyContext).)
Public methodEnumerateDependencies
Enumerates the dependencies of this object by calling EnumerateT(T) for each object that this object directly depends upon. Derived classes which contain additional dependencies MUST override this method, call the base implementation, and enumerate dependencies introduced by the derived class.
(Overrides DefinitionalObjectEnumerateDependencies(DependencyEnumerator).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFreeze
Freezes this object. Further attempts to modify it will result in an ObjectFrozenException.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodGetDefinitionHashCode
Gets a hash code representing the definition of this object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodGetEvaluationOrder
Gets the suggested evaluation order of this query, which is the value returned by InvertedQuery'sGetEvaluationOrder method.
(Overrides AccessQueryGetEvaluationOrder.)
Public methodGetEvaluator
Gets an evaluator that can be used to evaluate this query for a given time or for intervals of time.
(Inherited from AccessQuery.)
Public methodGetEvaluator(IServiceProvider)
Gets an evaluator that can be used to evaluate this query for a given time or for intervals of time.
(Inherited from AccessQuery.)
Public methodGetEvaluator(IServiceProvider, EvaluatorGroup)
Gets an evaluator that can be used to evaluate this query for a given time or for intervals of time.
(Overrides AccessQueryGetEvaluator(IServiceProvider, EvaluatorGroup).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsSameDefinition
Determines if this object has the same definition as another object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodToDisjunctiveNormalForm
Transforms this query to disjunctive normal form (DNF).
(Overrides AccessQueryToDisjunctiveNormalForm.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also