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LinkHelper Class

A collection of helper methods for working with links such as LinkInstantaneous and LinkSpeedOfLight.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Access
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public static class LinkHelper

The LinkHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetDisplacementVectorByRole(ILinkService, LinkRole)
Gets the displacement vector for a given link and role.
Public methodStatic memberGetDisplacementVectorByRole(IServiceProvider, LinkRole)
Gets the displacement vector for a given link and role.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkDelayEvaluatorByRole(ILinkService, EvaluatorGroup, LinkRole)
Gets a link delay evaluator for a given link and role.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkDelayEvaluatorByRole(IServiceProvider, EvaluatorGroup, LinkRole)
Gets a link delay evaluator for a given link and role.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkService(IServiceProvider)
Gets the ILinkService provided by a link.
Public methodStatic memberGetLinkService(IServiceProvider, String)
Gets the ILinkService provided by a link.
Public methodStatic memberGetOppositeLinkEnd
Given a LinkRole, returns the LinkRole representing the opposite end of the link.
Public methodStatic memberGetOptionalLinkService
Gets the ILinkService provided by a link, or null if the service does not exist.
Public methodStatic memberGetParticipantByRole(ILinkService, LinkRole)
Gets the participant that is playing a specified role in the link.
Public methodStatic memberGetParticipantByRole(IServiceProvider, LinkRole)
Gets the participant that is playing a specified role in the link.
Public methodStatic memberGetRoleOfParticipant(ILinkService, IServiceProvider)
Gets the role played by a specified participant in the link.
Public methodStatic memberGetRoleOfParticipant(IServiceProvider, IServiceProvider)
Gets the role played by a specified participant in the link.
See Also