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Simon1994PlanetaryPositions Class

Provides Point instances representing the positions of the planets computed using the equations described in Simon J.L., Bretagnon P., Chapront J., Chapront-Touze M., Francou G., Laskar J., 1994, A&A 282, 663-683.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Celestial
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public static class Simon1994PlanetaryPositions

The Simon1994PlanetaryPositions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberEarth
Gets a point describing the motion of the Earth. This point uses the Moon point and the 1992 mu value (ratio between Moon and Earth masses) in Table 2 of the paper in order to determine the position of the Earth relative to the Earth-Moon barycenter.
Public propertyStatic memberEarthMoonBarycenter
Gets a point describing the motion of the Earth-Moon barycenter according to the equations described in section 6.
Public propertyStatic memberJupiter
Gets a point describing the motion of Jupiter according to the equations described in section 6.
Public propertyStatic memberMars
Gets a point describing the motion of Mars according to the equations described in section 6.
Public propertyStatic memberMercury
Gets a point describing the motion of Mercury according to the equations described in section 6.
Public propertyStatic memberMoon
Gets a point describing the position of the moon according to the equations described in section 4.
Public propertyStatic memberNeptune
Gets a point describing the motion of Neptune according to the equations described in section 6.
Public propertyStatic memberSaturn
Gets a point describing the motion of Saturn according to the equations described in section 6.
Public propertyStatic memberUranus
Gets a point describing the motion of Uranus according to the equations described in section 6.
Public propertyStatic memberVenus
Gets a point describing the motion of Venus according to the equations described in section 6.
See Also