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OrbitalElements Class

Provides functions which can be used to perform calculations and conversions relating orbital elements.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Coordinates
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public static class OrbitalElements

The OrbitalElements type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberComputeEccentricity
Calculates the eccentricity of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberComputeMeanMotion
Calculates the mean motion of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberComputePeriod
Calculates the period of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberComputeRadiusOfApoapsis
Calculates the radius of apoapsis of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberComputeRadiusOfPeriapsis
Calculates the radius of periapsis of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberComputeSemilatusRectum
Calculates the semilatus rectum of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberComputeSemimajorAxis
Calculates the semimajor axis of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberComputeTimeOfFlight
Calculates the time of flight between two true anomalies.
Public methodStatic memberConvertEccentricAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Tries to convert the eccentric anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertEccentricAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Converts the eccentric anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertEccentricAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Converts the eccentric anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertHyperbolicAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Converts the hyperbolic anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertHyperbolicAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Converts the hyperbolic anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertHyperbolicAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Converts the hyperbolic anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMeanAnomalyToEccentricAnomaly
Converts the mean anomaly to the eccentric anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMeanAnomalyToHyperbolicAnomaly
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the hyperbolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMeanAnomalyToParabolicAnomaly
Converts the mean anomaly to the parabolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMeanAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Converts the mean anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMeanAnomalyToTimeSincePreviousPeriapsis
Converts the mean anomaly to the time of flight since the previous periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMeanAnomalyToTimeUntilNextPeriapsis
Converts the mean anomaly to the time of flight until the next periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
Public methodStatic memberConvertMeanAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Converts the mean anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertParabolicAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Converts the parabolic anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertParabolicAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Converts the parabolic anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertParabolicAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Converts the parabolic anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToEccentricAnomaly
Converts the time from periapsis passage to eccentric anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToHyperbolicAnomaly
Converts the time from periapsis passage to hyperbolic anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToMeanAnomaly
Converts the time from periapsis passage to mean anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToParabolicAnomaly
Converts the time from periapsis passage to parabolic anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToTrueAnomaly
Converts the time from periapsis passage to true anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTrueAnomalyToEccentricAnomaly
Converts the true anomaly to the eccentric anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTrueAnomalyToHyperbolicAnomaly
Converts the true anomaly to the hyperbolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTrueAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Converts the true anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTrueAnomalyToParabolicAnomaly
Converts the true anomaly to the parabolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTrueAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Converts the true anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTrueAnomalyToTimeSincePreviousPeriapsis
Converts the true anomaly to the time of flight since the previous periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
Public methodStatic memberConvertTrueAnomalyToTimeUntilNextPeriapsis
Converts the true anomaly to the time of flight until the next periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
Public methodStatic memberPerifocalToCartesianMatrix
Calculates the transformation matrix from the perifocal axes to the inertial axes.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputeEccentricity
Tries to calculate the eccentricity of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputeMeanMotion
Tries to calculate the mean motion of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputePeriod
Tries to calculate the period of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputeRadiusOfApoapsis
Tries to calculate the radius of apoapsis of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputeRadiusOfPeriapsis
Tries to calculate the radius of periapsis of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputeSemilatusRectum
Tries to calculate the semilatus rectum of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputeSemimajorAxis
Tries to calculate the semimajor axis of the orbit.
Public methodStatic memberTryComputeTimeOfFlight
Tries to calculate the time of flight between two true anomalies.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertEccentricAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Tries to convert the eccentric anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertEccentricAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Tries to convert the eccentric anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertEccentricAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Tries to convert the eccentric anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertHyperbolicAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Tries to convert the hyperbolic anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertHyperbolicAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Tries to convert the hyperbolic anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertHyperbolicAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Tries to convert the hyperbolic anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertMeanAnomalyToEccentricAnomaly
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the eccentric anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertMeanAnomalyToHyperbolicAnomaly
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the hyperbolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertMeanAnomalyToParabolicAnomaly
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the parabolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertMeanAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertMeanAnomalyToTimeSincePreviousPeriapsis
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the time of flight since the previous periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertMeanAnomalyToTimeUntilNextPeriapsis
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the time of flight until the next periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertMeanAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Tries to convert the mean anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertParabolicAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Tries to convert the parabolic anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertParabolicAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
Tries to convert the parabolic anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertParabolicAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
Tries to convert the parabolic anomaly to the true anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToEccentricAnomaly
Tries to convert the time from periapsis passage to eccentric anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToHyperbolicAnomaly
Tries to convert the time from periapsis passage to hyperbolic anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToMeanAnomaly
Tries to convert the time from periapsis passage to mean anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToParabolicAnomaly
Tries to convert the time from periapsis passage to parabolic anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTimeFromPeriapsisToTrueAnomaly
Tries to convert the time from periapsis passage to true anomaly. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTrueAnomalyToEccentricAnomaly
Tries to convert the true anomaly to the eccentric anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTrueAnomalyToHyperbolicAnomaly
Tries to convert the true anomaly to the hyperbolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTrueAnomalyToMeanAnomaly
Tries to convert the true anomaly to the mean anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTrueAnomalyToParabolicAnomaly
Tries to convert the true anomaly to the parabolic anomaly.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTrueAnomalyToTimeFromPeriapsis
True to convert the true anomaly to the time of flight from the corresponding periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is signed and monotonic even for periodic orbits.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTrueAnomalyToTimeSincePreviousPeriapsis
Tries to convert the true anomaly to the time of flight since the previous periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
Public methodStatic memberTryConvertTrueAnomalyToTimeUntilNextPeriapsis
Tries to convert the true anomaly to the time of flight until the next periapsis passage in seconds. The value returned is positive and, for closed orbits, periodic.
See Also