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BracketToward Enumeration

Defines the behavior of a root finder such as BrentFindRoot when a sampled function value exactly equals zero and the root finder's ConvergenceCriteria requires convergence on the independent variable.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.NumericalMethods.Advanced
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public enum BracketToward
  Member nameDescription
Earliest The new bracket will be formed from the just-sampled zero and the side of the previous bracket with a smaller independent variable value. The identified root will represent the first time (within tolerance) that the function is zero.
Latest The new bracket will be formed from the just-sampled zero and the side of the previous bracket with a larger independent variable value. The identified root will represent the last time (within tolerance) that the function is zero.
Positive The new bracket will be formed from the just-sampled zero and the side of the previous bracket with a positive sampled function value. The identified root will represent the first time (within tolerance) that the function is zero after being negative, or the last time that it is zero before going negative.
Negative The new bracket will be formed from the just-sampled zero and the side of the previous bracket with a negative sampled function value. The identified root will represent the first time (within tolerance) that the function is zero after being positive, or the last time that it is zero before going positive.
See Also