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TerrainAlongLine Class

Contains methods to discover terrain features along a straight line between two points.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Terrain
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.TerrainAnalysis (in AGI.Foundation.TerrainAnalysis.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public static class TerrainAlongLine

The TerrainAlongLine type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberComputeElevationAngleAboveTerrain(Cartesian, Cartesian, TerrainProvider)
Computes the angle from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The angle is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputeElevationAngleAboveTerrain(Cartographic, Cartographic, TerrainProvider)
Computes the angle from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The angle is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputeElevationAngleAboveTerrain(Cartesian, Cartesian, TerrainProvider, Double, Double)
Computes the angle from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The angle is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape.
Public methodStatic memberComputeElevationAngleAboveTerrain(Cartographic, Cartographic, TerrainProvider, Double, Double)
Computes the angle from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The angle is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape.
Public methodStatic memberComputeObstructionMetric(Cartesian, Cartesian, TerrainProvider, Boolean, Boolean)
Computes a metric value indicating the amount of obstruction from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The metric value is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputeObstructionMetric(Cartographic, Cartographic, TerrainProvider, Boolean, Boolean)
Computes a metric value indicating the amount of obstruction from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The metric value is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputeObstructionMetric(Cartesian, Cartesian, TerrainProvider, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean)
Computes a metric value indicating the amount of obstruction from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The metric value is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape.
Public methodStatic memberComputeObstructionMetric(Cartographic, Cartographic, TerrainProvider, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean)
Computes a metric value indicating the amount of obstruction from the line of sight between the target and observer positions and the direction to the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle. The metric value is determined from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape.
Public methodStatic memberComputePositionWithMaximumElevationAngle(Cartesian, Cartesian, TerrainProvider)
Computes the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle between the observer and target positions from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputePositionWithMaximumElevationAngle(Cartographic, Cartographic, TerrainProvider)
Computes the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle between the observer and target positions from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputePositionWithMaximumElevationAngle(Cartesian, Cartesian, TerrainProvider, Double, Double)
Computes the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle between the observer and target positions from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape.
Public methodStatic memberComputePositionWithMaximumElevationAngle(Cartographic, Cartographic, TerrainProvider, Double, Double)
Computes the point on terrain with the highest elevation angle between the observer and target positions from the perspective of the position closest to the Shape.
Public methodStatic memberComputeTerrainIntersection(Cartesian, UnitCartesian, Double, Double, TerrainProvider)
Computes the location of the first intersection with terrain from the provided location along the indicated direction. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputeTerrainIntersection(Cartographic, UnitCartesian, Double, Double, TerrainProvider)
Computes the location of the first intersection with terrain from the provided location along the indicated direction. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputeTerrainIntersection(Cartesian, Cartographic, UnitCartesian, Double, Double, TerrainProvider)
Computes the location of the first intersection with terrain from the provided location along the indicated direction. Both Cartesian and Cartographic representations of the location are provided which eliminates the need for conversion within the algorithm and results in greater efficiency. The DefaultMinimumTerrainHeight and DefaultMaximumTerrainHeight are used for the computation.
Public methodStatic memberComputeTerrainIntersection(Cartesian, UnitCartesian, Double, Double, TerrainProvider, Double, Double)
Computes the location of the first intersection with terrain from the provided location along the indicated direction.
Public methodStatic memberComputeTerrainIntersection(Cartographic, UnitCartesian, Double, Double, TerrainProvider, Double, Double)
Computes the location of the first intersection with terrain from the provided location along the indicated direction.
Public methodStatic memberComputeTerrainIntersection(Cartesian, Cartographic, UnitCartesian, Double, Double, TerrainProvider, Double, Double)
Computes the location of the first intersection with terrain from the provided location along the indicated direction. Both Cartesian and Cartographic representations of the location are provided which eliminates the need for conversion within the algorithm and results in greater efficiency.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultMaximumTerrainHeight
The default value for the maximum height in meters that can be returned by a TerrainProvider's GetHeightRelativeToShape(Double, Double) method.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultMinimumTerrainHeight
The default value for the minimum height in meters that can be returned by a TerrainProvider's GetHeightRelativeToShape(Double, Double) method.
See Also