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Trig Class

Provides functions and constants which are useful when working with angles and solving problems related to trigonometry.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public static class Trig

The Trig type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAreAnglesEquivalent
Checks to see whether the two given angles represent the same direction in the unit circle, regardless of any multiples of TwoPi.
Public methodStatic memberDegreesMinutesSecondsToRadians(DegreesMinutesSeconds)
Converts the specified number of revolutions, degrees, minutes, and seconds to radians.
Public methodStatic memberDegreesMinutesSecondsToRadians(Int32, Int32, Int32, Double)
Converts the specified number of revolutions, degrees, minutes, and seconds to radians.
Public methodStatic memberDegreesToRadians
Converts degrees to radians.
Public methodStatic memberGetSmallSpan
Get the signed small span between two arbitrary angles, in radians. This will return the angle in radians between -π and π representing the angular distance between the two given angles. It will remove the effect of 'winding' and compare the angular distance on the unit circle.
Public methodStatic memberIsAngleInRange
Checks to see if an angle is within the indicated range of values.
Public methodStatic memberNegativePiToPi
Produces an angle in the range -π < angle <= π which is equivalent to the provided angle.
Public methodStatic memberPutAngleInRange
Attempts to put an angle within the indicated range of values.
Public methodStatic memberRadiansToDegrees
Converts radians to degrees.
Public methodStatic memberRadiansToDegreesMinutesSeconds
Converts the specified angle in radians to revolutions, degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Public methodStatic memberTryPutAngleInRange
Attempts to put an angle within the indicated range of values.
Public methodStatic memberZeroToTwoPi
Produces an angle in the range 0 <= angle < 2π which is equivalent to the provided angle.
Public fieldStatic memberAngleEpsilon
Represents the smallest positive angle greater than zero for which the Cos(Double) function will produce a distinct value.
See Also