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CartesianOnePointPropagator.Propagate Method (JulianDate, JulianDate, Duration, Int32, ReferenceFrame, ITrackCalculationProgress)

Calculates position (and zero or more derivatives) for regular time steps over an interval.

Note: when evaluating with this evaluator, it may be more efficient to specify times using an arithmetically safe TimeStandard to avoid the need to convert in order to perform the propagation. The length of a time step may be different in different TimeStandards. So be careful when specifying times.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Propagators
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public DateMotionCollection<Cartesian> Propagate(
	JulianDate startDate,
	JulianDate stopDate,
	Duration timeStep,
	int order,
	ReferenceFrame outputReferenceFrame,
	ITrackCalculationProgress tracker


Type: AGI.Foundation.Time.JulianDate
The first date for which to calculate position and velocity.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Time.JulianDate
The last date for which to calculate position and velocity.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Time.Duration
The Duration between each ephemeris point.
Type: System.Int32
The order of the highest derivative to compute. To compute just position, pass 0. To compute position and velocity (if available), pass 1. And so on.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Geometry.ReferenceFrame
The reference frame in which the generated ephemeris data is to be expressed.
Type: AGI.Foundation.ITrackCalculationProgress
The object to which progress is reported and that is able to cancel this operation before it is complete.

Return Value

Type: DateMotionCollection<Cartesian>
A list of date and motion for each step in the interval. The stopDate is always the last point in the list even when this makes the step between the second-to-last and last points less than the specified step.
This method takes advantage of the ThreadingPolicy to improve performance.
See Also