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Sgp4Propagator.EstimateElements Method (DateMotionCollection<Cartesian>, Cartesian, Cartesian, Sgp4Propagator.Sgp4EstimationInput)

Produces a batch least squares fit for a given set of trajectory observations (states). The specified position and velocity provide the values to use as the state expected at the RequestedEstimationEpoch in the configuration. The estimation takes this state and uses MeanElementsAtEpoch(JulianDate, Cartesian, Cartesian) to produce an initial guess for the least squares.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Propagators
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public static Sgp4Propagator.Sgp4EstimationOutput EstimateElements(
	DateMotionCollection<Cartesian> ephemerisInTEME,
	Cartesian epochPosition,
	Cartesian epochVelocity,
	Sgp4Propagator.Sgp4EstimationInput configuration


Type: AGI.Foundation.DateMotionCollection<Cartesian>
The set of time indexed state observations over which to perform the fit.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Coordinates.Cartesian
The position at the RequestedEstimationEpoch in the TrueEquatorMeanEquinoxFrame frame.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Coordinates.Cartesian
The velocity at the RequestedEstimationEpoch in the TrueEquatorMeanEquinoxFrame frame.
Type: AGI.Foundation.Propagators.Sgp4Propagator.Sgp4EstimationInput
Additional configuration data indicating how to perform the fit and whether to solve for the BSTAR drag term. This can also prescribe a value for BSTAR to use when estimating the elements.

Return Value

Type: Sgp4Propagator.Sgp4EstimationOutput
A result containing the estimated Sgp4Elements and associated information from the fit.
See Also