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PointBatchPrimitive Methods

The PointBatchPrimitive type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose() (Inherited from Primitive.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSet(IEnumerable<Cartesian>)
Defines the positions of points in a point batch. The points are rendered in the primitive's ReferenceFrame.
Public methodSet(IEnumerable<Cartesian>, IEnumerable<Color>)
Defines the positions and colors of points in a point batch. The points are rendered in the primitive's ReferenceFrame.
Public methodSet(IEnumerable<Cartesian>, IEnumerable<Color>, RenderPassHint)
Defines the positions and colors of points in a point batch. The points are rendered in the primitive's ReferenceFrame. renderPassHint is provided for efficiency.
Public methodSetCartographic(CentralBody, IEnumerable<Cartographic>)
For convenience. Defines the positions of points in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling Set.
Public methodSetCartographic(CentralBody, IEnumerable<Cartographic>, IEnumerable<Color>)
For convenience. Defines the positions and colors of points in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling Set.
Public methodSetCartographic(CentralBody, IEnumerable<Cartographic>, IEnumerable<Color>, RenderPassHint)
For convenience. Defines the positions and colors of points in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. renderPassHint is provided for efficiency. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling Set.
Public methodSetPartial(IEnumerable<Cartesian>, IEnumerable<Int32>)
Updates a subset of positions in a point batch.
Public methodSetPartial(IEnumerable<Cartesian>, IEnumerable<Color>, IEnumerable<Int32>)
Updates a subset of positions and/or colors in a point batch.
Public methodSetPartial(IEnumerable<Cartesian>, IEnumerable<Int32>, IndicesOrderHint)
Updates a subset of positions in a point batch.
Public methodSetPartial(IEnumerable<Cartesian>, IEnumerable<Color>, IEnumerable<Int32>, IndicesOrderHint, RenderPassHint)
Updates a subset of positions and/or colors in a point batch.
Public methodSetPartialCartographic(CentralBody, IEnumerable<Cartographic>, IEnumerable<Int32>)
For convenience. Updates a subset of positions in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling SetPartial
Public methodSetPartialCartographic(CentralBody, IEnumerable<Cartographic>, IEnumerable<Color>, IEnumerable<Int32>)
For convenience. Updates a subset of positions and/or colors in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling SetPartial
Public methodSetPartialCartographic(CentralBody, IEnumerable<Cartographic>, IEnumerable<Int32>, IndicesOrderHint)
For convenience. Updates a subset of positions in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling SetPartial
Public methodSetPartialCartographic(CentralBody, IEnumerable<Cartographic>, IEnumerable<Color>, IEnumerable<Int32>, IndicesOrderHint, RenderPassHint)
For convenience. Updates a subset of positions and/or colors in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling SetPartial
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also