AGI.Foundation.RouteDesign Namespace |
Class | Description | |
![]() | CircularHoldProcedure |
A procedure that places the position into a circular path around a given center point at
a given turn radius in a given direction. The procedure indicates the minimum number of
revolutions or the minimum time that the position should spend in the hold before leaving.
The position will enter and leave the hold on tangents to the circular path.
![]() | ConstantHeightProfile |
A profile that simply represents a constant height and constant speed with respect to the
reference surface of the corresponding surface path.
![]() | DefaultConnectionBehavior |
This is a RouteConnection used by the RoutePropagator to
define the default settings for creating RouteConnection objects in between
RouteProcedures in the event the user did not specify a specific connection
to use.
![]() | FollowPathProcedure |
A procedure that follows a path specified by a set of vertices, with turns inscribed at each
vertex. This is useful for ground vehicles traversing map data or when specifying a sequence
of waypoints with a common RouteProfile. The position will move in rhumb lines
of constant heading between vertices and turn toward the next vertex just prior to reaching each vertex
(see InscribedTurnProcedure). If there isn't enough room to inscribe a turn, it
will turn after the vertex.
![]() | HeadingAtWaypointProcedure |
A procedure that defines a required heading at a waypoint. This can be used as an
initial or final state for a route, which can be used to smoothly concatenate multiple routes together
or create a route based on another ephemeris. It can also be used to ensure the platform's position
is pointing in a particular direction at the given waypoint in order to avoid an obstacle or turn
into the wind direction. The platform will turn before and after the waypoint to satisfy the heading.
In order to have the platform follow a particular heading over a given distance,
use a SurfaceCurveProcedure with an EllipsoidRhumbLine.
![]() | HeightTransitionProcedure | A procedure that will transition from one height to another based on the given Dynamics. The surface procedure behaves like a TurnBeforeWaypointProcedure. The platform will enter into a spiral prior to reaching the given waypoint in order to adjust its current height. This is useful in cases where the maximum ascent or descent velocity would otherwise be violated while trying to transition from one procedure to another. |
![]() | InscribedTurnProcedure | Represents a simple turn at a position specified by a waypoint. However, the path will never reach the given waypoint unless the change in heading is negligible. Instead, the turn will be inscribed between the lines connecting the previous procedure to the given waypoint and the waypoint to the next procedure. The position will arrive along the line from the previous procedure toward the given waypoint and leave along the line from the given waypoint toward the next procedure. If the distance between waypoints and the turning radius are such that the turn is infeasible, the InscribedTurnProcedureConfigurationData in the resulting Data will be InsufficientSpaceForTurn. |
![]() | LandingProcedure |
Represents a landing trajectory with respect to a runway surface specified by the underlying terrain.
The platform will execute a level turn on the approach toward the runway before descending along the
glide slope. The platform then rolls to a stop over a given distance. Lastly, if there are any
taxi procedures after the landing, the platform will turn toward the next procedure.
![]() | PrescribedAccelerationTransitionProfile | A profile defined by a simple incline used to connect two other profiles at different heights. Unlike the StandardTransitionProfile which includes cruising behavior, this profile has a predefined thrust acceleration which defines the change in speeds along the route. The profile will attempt to find an incline which connects the initial and final heights and then will accelerate along the incline according to the prescribed acceleration. It will then update the next profile's initial speed. If the next profile's speed is not configurable, this will produce the error status: FinalSpeedUnmatched in the ConnectionConfigurationResults. For more information about error cases, see the remarks section. To add this as a connection between two procedures, use a ProfileRouteConnection with this profile and simply add the connection between your procedures in the RoutePropagator. The propagator will override the default connection behavior to use this one only between the surrounding segments. |
![]() | ProfileDynamics |
Represents a set of common properties describing the dynamical capabilities of a platform traversing a route profile.
![]() | ProfileRouteConnection |
A simple route connection that defines a straight connection between two procedures with a
user specified profile defining the vertical and temporal behavior along the connection.
![]() | ProfileSpeed |
A specified target speed provided as either the total horizontal and vertical speed
or only the horizontal speed along the surface.
![]() | PropagatedRoute |
An instance of a propagated route produced by the RoutePropagator. The propagated route
indicates whether there were any configuration errors and
can produce the Point representing the position along the route.
![]() | RacetrackHoldProcedure |
A procedure defined by two circular turns connected by straight segments with entry and exit occurring at
either circle or at additional turns occurring at the beginning or ends of the straight segments. The
RoutePropagator will attempt to connect the previous procedure with
the nearest entry arc on the racetrack and leave at the exit arc nearest to the next procedure.
![]() | RasterSearchProcedure |
A procedure that defines a route which follows a regular pattern over a given
rectangular search area. The user specifies the heading, length, width, and turn radius.
Then, the raster search centers a search pattern over the area of interest such that the "legs" of the
search lie along the length and the route turns back 180 degrees before continuing the next leg
in the opposite direction. The turns occur outside of the given search region. The search
will place the first turn into the search area at the corner closest to the previous procedure.
The location of the final turn depends on the placement of the entry and how many "legs" are required
to cover the entire area.
![]() | RouteConnection |
The base class for all the different ways in which to connect one RouteProcedure
with another.
![]() | RouteProcedure |
The abstract base class for all route procedure definitions used in conjunction
with the RoutePropagator.
![]() | RouteProfile |
Definition for all types that provide a way to configure the height and speed for
a given RouteSegment.
![]() | RoutePropagator |
A route propagator that takes a sequential list of procedures
and connections in order to create a PropagatedRoute.
This can be used to either produce a route given a start time
or to produce a route given a final rendezvous time.
![]() | RouteSegment |
The base class for the procedures and connections which define segments of the geometry along the route.
The segments are used with the RoutePropagator to create a PropagatedRoute.
![]() | StandardTransitionProfile |
A profile defined by a set of simple inclines, used to connect two other profiles at different heights
or to change the target height for the route. When used as a connection profile, this will attempt
to level off at the final target height of the previous profile, based on the given dynamics for
ascending and descending. If the surface distance is too short, it will attempt to connect directly
or will attempt to reconfigure the surrounding profiles to ensure it does not violate its
![]() | StationaryHoldProcedure |
A procedure that represents a point along the route where a vehicle slows to a stop,
waits at the specified location for a specified amount of time, and then speeds up to continue
toward the next procedure. Note that this will represent a discontinuity in the geometry
of the route and may cause difficulties for other types which require a smooth path and
a non-zero velocity vector. Examples include Axes types which use velocity information to
orient the vehicle but do not have additional logic to handle stationary objects.
![]() | SurfaceCurveProcedure |
A procedure which follows an EllipsoidSurfaceCurve. This is useful for
defining long traversals over a surface arc. To use this to create custom procedures for which
the Cartographic vertices are available, consider using EllipsoidComplexSurfaceCurve.
However, note that there will be no intermediate turns as with the FollowPathProcedure.
![]() | TakeoffProcedure |
Represents a takeoff trajectory with respect to a runway surface specified by the underlying terrain.
If there is a taxi prior to the runway, the platform will turn onto the runway's heading. Then,
the platform rolls a given distance before taking off to reach the target height. Lastly,
the platform will execute a level turn toward the next procedure.
![]() | TerrainAvoidanceProfile | A profile that defines the height and speed necessary to transition from an initial height and speed to a final height and speed while attempting to maintain a minimum height above intervening terrain. This is useful when modeling low altitude aircraft trajectories in areas where the terrain varies significantly between waypoints. |
![]() | TurnAfterWaypointProcedure |
Represents a simple turn at a specific position such that the platform will arrive at the waypoint on the
heading from the previous procedure before turning toward the next procedure.
![]() | TurnBeforeWaypointProcedure |
Represents a simple turn at a specific position such that the platform will turn prior to the waypoint in
order to arrive on the heading toward the next waypoint.
Enumeration | Description | |
![]() | CircularHoldProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating whether the configuration of the hold was successful
or whether there was an error.
![]() | ClosedTurnDirection |
An enumeration that indicates which direction to turn during a closed turn such as
a circular or racetrack hold.
![]() | DefaultProfileBehavior |
An enumeration indicating which type of connection to use for a given RoutePropagator.
Options include the ability to follow the terrain at a constant height offset, fly above the terrain
at a minimum height, or ignore terrain and simply connect the heights between
with either a flat or inclined line segment.
![]() | InscribedTurnProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the status of configuring the surface procedure.
![]() | KindOfSurfaceConnection |
An enumeration indicating the kind of behavior to use when connecting surface procedures.
![]() | LandingProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the status of configuring the surface procedure.
![]() | RacetrackHoldProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the status of configuring the surface procedure.
![]() | RouteHeightReference |
An enumeration indicating the reference surface to use when representing a height.
![]() | SpeedReference |
An enumeration indicating whether the speed represents the total combined speed accounting
for the surface speed and the vertical rate or whether the speed represents the
speed along the surface path.
![]() | StationaryHoldProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the status of configuring the surface procedure.
![]() | TakeoffProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the status of configuring the surface procedure.
![]() | TerrainAvoidanceProfileConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the result of configuring the TerrainAvoidanceProfile.
![]() | TurnAfterWaypointProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the status of configuring the surface procedure.
![]() | TurnBeforeWaypointProcedureConfigurationData |
An enumeration indicating the status of configuring the surface procedure.
![]() | WaypointTurnDirection |
An enumeration indicating the turn direction at a waypoint or whether to let the
propagator specify the best direction based on the connection geometry.