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AGI.Foundation.RouteDesign.Advanced Namespace

Contains types used to define immutable geometry and configuration for routes.
Public classCompositeProfileSegment
A profile segment composed of a number of other profile segments in a sequence.
Public classCompositeSurfaceSegment
A segment that combines a number of other surface segments together sequentially.
Public classConfigurableConnection
Base class for all types that connect two RouteProcedures together.
Public classConfigurableProfile
A configurable profile is used by the RoutePropagator to ensure that the route heights and speeds are continuous from one segment to the next.
Public classConfigurableSurfaceProcedure
A definition for the procedure from which to configure the surface geometry between procedures and connections.
Public classConnectionConfigurationResult
The result of configuring the surface geometry on a given RouteConnection.
Public classConnectionStrategy
Base class for a set of connections that represent a path from one Cartographic point to another.
Public classConstantHeightSegment
A profile defining geometry for a constant height above the reference surface.
Public classDegenerateSurfaceSegment
A surface segment that specifies a surface path of zero length, representing a single position and heading.
Public classGeodesicConnectionStrategy
A connection strategy that connects two procedures with a straight path of minimum distance (geodesic).
Public classHeightConfigurationResult
The result of configuring the height on a given RouteProcedure.
Public classHoldingPatternProfile
An interface defining a means of determining how many revolutions are required to spend a minimum time in a particular holding procedure.
Public classParametricRouteSegment
This takes the "Flat" geometry specified by the route and transforms it into geometry with respect to the curvature of the Ellipsoid reference surface. It represents the geometry of one RouteSegment of an overall route.
Public classPartialSurfaceSegment
A surface segment that represents a selected portion of another surface segment.
Public classProcedureConfigurationResult
The result of configuring the surface geometry on a given RouteProcedure.
Public classProfileConfigurationResult
The result of configuring the vertical and temporal geometry on a given RouteProcedure.
Public classProfileSegment
Base class for all types representing the immutable vertical and temporal geometry corresponding to all or part of a particular RouteSegment.
Public classRhumbLineConnectionStrategy
A connection strategy that connects two procedures with a straight path following a constant heading.
Public classSimpleRouteProcedure
Base class for all surface procedures that don't specify an explicit RouteProfile associated with the surface path.
Public classSpeedConfigurationResult
The result of configuring the speed on a given RouteProcedure.
Public classStandardTransitionProfileSegment
A profile segment that connects a straight line between the initial height, initial height rate, initial speed, final height, final height rate, and final speed. The profile segment will attempt to conserve the total initial speed (combined horizontal and vertical) through the incline, accelerating or decelerating along the incline to match the final total speed (combined horizontal and vertical).
Public classStaticRouteProfile
A RouteProfile designed to represent a static ProfileSegment which does not allow configuration during the generation of the route. This is intended to facilitate customization of the height and speed profiles in a given procedure. By using a SurfaceCurveProcedure with this RouteProfile and a custom ProfileSegment defining the height and speed along the path. However, note that if the ProfileSegment's TotalTime is not consistent with the SurfaceSegment's SurfaceDistance it will throw an exception.
Public classStaticRouteProfileStaticConfigurableProfile
A helper class which takes a ProfileSegment and a SurfaceSegment which correspond to each other and indicates to the route design system to disallow any modification of the user's geometry.
Public classSurfaceArc
A mutable definition for a generic nearly-circular arc on the ellipsoid surface used when configuring procedure surface geometry.
Public classSurfaceConfigurationResult
The result of configuring the surface geometry on a given RouteProcedure.
Public classSurfaceCurveSegment
A surface segment representing the path defined by an EllipsoidSurfaceCurve. Most commonly, this is used with either an EllipsoidRhumbLine (constant heading) or an EllipsoidGeodesic (shortest distance).
Public classSurfaceProcedureConnection
Base class for all connections that have an arbitrary profile.
Public classSurfaceSegment
The base class for all types representing the immutable geometry of the surface path corresponding to all or part of a particular RouteSegment.
Public interfaceIConfigurableProfileConnection
An interface specifying additional behavior while configuring profiles for use as connections rather than ordinary procedure profiles. This usually involves different behavior in how the surrounding profiles are treated during configuration, including trying to preserve their properties as much as possible without violating geometric and dynamical constraints.
Public enumerationHeightConfigurationStatus
An enumeration indicating the status of the configuration of height information between route segments.
Public enumerationKindOfTangent
An enumeration indicating the behavior of a tangent line at a given arc.
Public enumerationSpeedConfigurationStatus
An enumeration indicating the status of the configuration of speed information between route segments.
Public enumerationSurfaceConnectionStatus
An enumeration indicating the status of the configuration of the surface geometry.
Public enumerationSurfaceProcedureConnectionDependency
An enumeration indicating how one surface procedure depends on another. Depending on whether a given procedure is defined by its entry or exit, it may require the previous or the next connection to be configured first.