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AGI.Foundation.Tracking Namespace

Contains types for acquiring, analyzing and archiving dynamic data, such as those found in real-time feeds or simulation environments.
Public classAccessEntityFilterTEntity
Public classArchivedProperty
Describes a property of a tracking entity.
Public classCommonEntityInterfaces
Contains methods related to the interfaces that are commonly implemented on entity classes, such as IEntityLastUpdate and IEntityPosition.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityAcceleration
Contains methods related to the IEntityAcceleration interface.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityIdentifier
Contains methods related to the IEntityIdentifier interface.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityLastUpdate
Contains methods related to the IEntityLastUpdate interface.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityOrientation
Contains methods related to the IEntityOrientation interface.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityPosition
Contains methods related to the IEntityPosition interface.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityRotationalAcceleration
Contains methods related to the IEntityRotationalAcceleration interface.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityRotationalVelocity
Contains methods related to the IEntityRotationalVelocity interface.
Public classCommonEntityInterfacesIEntityVelocity
Contains methods related to the IEntityVelocity interface.
Public classDelegateEntityFilterTEntity
Public classEntityDescriptorTEntity
Describes a family of entities. Generally, each user-defined entity class has one instance of a class derived from EntityDescriptorTEntity associated with it. The Default property specifies the default descriptor to be used with an entity type.
Public classEntityFilterTEntity
Public classEntityFilterChainTEntity
Groups entities into EntitySets with a series of filters.
Public classEntityFilterCollectionTEntity
A collection of EntityFilters.
Public classEntityHistory
Represents positional history of an entity generated by a HistoryGeneratorTEntity. Since the entity history is automatically updated in background threads, it's important to always lock the SyncRoot property before accessing any data.
Public classEntityParameterTEntity
The placeholder for a parameterized entity within an evaluator.
Public classEntitySchemaTEntity
Public classEntitySchemaPropertyTEntity
Public classEntitySetTEntity
This class holds and manages a collection of tracked entities. All interactions with instances of this class must happen inside a Transaction, guaranteeing snapshot isolation.
Public classEntitySetChangedEventArgsTEntity
Public classEntityVisualizerTEntity
Abstract base class for visualizers, which display entities in Insight3D.
Public classHistoryGeneratorTEntity
Maintains position information for visualizing track history.
Public classHistoryVisualizerTEntity
Public classLabelVisualizerTEntity
Public classMarkerVisualizerTEntity
Public classMemoryArchiveTEntity
Public classModelVisualizerTEntity
Public classPointVisualizerTEntity
Public classRawEntityDataTEntity
Holds raw entity data read from a TrackingArchiveTEntity. The data may contain multiple distinct entities, multiple updates to a single entity, or both.
Public classSensorFieldOfViewVisualizerTEntity
An EntityVisualizerTEntity that visualizes a set of sensors. Each sensor's origin is at the entity's Position and its boresight looks down the entity's Z-axis as defined by its Orientation.
Public classSqlServerArchiveTEntity
Public classTrackingArchiveTEntity
The base for classes that archive tracking data.
Public classTrackingTypeArchiver
Public classTrackingTypeArchiverCollection
A collection of TrackingTypeArchivers. It is safe to use all methods of this class from multiple threads simultaneously.
Public classViewEntityFromOffsetTEntity
Tracks an entity with a Camera.
Public classViewFromToTEntity
Tracks an entity or Point with a Camera from the location of another entity or Point.
Public classWaypointVisualizerTEntity
Public interfaceIEntityAcceleration
An interface to a tracking entity that has acceleration. To obtain the reference frame in which the acceleration is defined, get the PositionReferenceFrame property from the entity's EntityDescriptorTEntity.
Public interfaceIEntityArchiveDescriptorTEntity
Public interfaceIEntityIdentifier
An interface to a tracking entity that has an identifier.
Public interfaceIEntityLastUpdate
An interface to a tracking entity that describes the last time the entity was updated.
Public interfaceIEntityOrientation
An interface to a tracking entity that has an orientation. To obtain the axes in which the orientation is defined, get the OrientationAxes property from the entity's EntityDescriptorTEntity.
Public interfaceIEntityOrientationDescriptor
Public interfaceIEntityPosition
An interface to a tracking entity that has a position described as an X, Y, and Z coordinate. To obtain the reference frame in which the position is defined, get the PositionReferenceFrame property from the entity's EntityDescriptorTEntity.
Public interfaceIEntityPositionDescriptor
Public interfaceIEntityRotationalAcceleration
An interface to a tracking entity that has rotational acceleration. To obtain the axes in which the rotational velocity is defined, get the OrientationAxes property from the entity's EntityDescriptorTEntity.
Public interfaceIEntityRotationalVelocity
An interface to a tracking entity that has rotational velocity. To obtain the axes in which the rotational velocity is defined, get the OrientationAxes property from the entity's EntityDescriptorTEntity.
Public interfaceIEntitySensorFieldOfView
An interface to a tracking entity that has a volume describing the region of space that is detectable with its sensor. The sensor volume is assumed to have its origin at the location specified by the Position property and it is oriented in the entity's body axes defined by the Orientation property such that the sensor's boresight points down the Z-axis.
Public interfaceIEntityVelocity
An interface to a tracking entity that has a velocity. To obtain the reference frame in which the velocity is defined, get the PositionReferenceFrame property from the entity's EntityDescriptorTEntity.
Public delegateEntityPropertyGetterTEntity
Represents a method to get the value of a property on an entity.
Public delegateEntityPropertySetterTEntity
Represents a method to set the value of a property on an entity.
Public delegateEntityTransactedPropertyGetterTEntity, T
Represents a method to get a transacted property on an entity.
Public delegateIsMatchCallbackTEntity
Public delegateLabelCallbackTEntity
Returns a label for the specified entity.
Public delegateMarkerCallbackTEntity
Returns a texture to be used as a marker for the specified entity. The same texture instance can be used to represent multiple entities.
Public delegateModelCallbackTEntity
Returns the model for the specified entity. A single unique instance of ModelPrimitive should be returned for each given entity.