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HeadingAtWaypointProcedure Constructor

Overload List
Public methodHeadingAtWaypointProcedure()
Create a new instance.
Protected methodHeadingAtWaypointProcedure(HeadingAtWaypointProcedure, CopyContext)
Initializes a new instance as a copy of an existing instance.
Public methodHeadingAtWaypointProcedure(Cartographic, Double, Double, Double)
Create a new instance based on the given parameters over the surface of the Earth.
Public methodHeadingAtWaypointProcedure(Ellipsoid, Cartographic, Double, Double, RouteProfile)
Create a new instance based on the given parameters for the surface procedure and its associated profile.
Public methodHeadingAtWaypointProcedure(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, RouteHeightReference)
Create a new instance based on the given parameters over the surface of the Earth.
Public methodHeadingAtWaypointProcedure(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, TerrainProvider)
Create a new instance based on the given parameters over a terrain surface.
See Also