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PointVisualizer<TEntity>.Pick Method

Overload List
Public methodPick(PickResult)
Given a PickResult, returns the entities that were picked.
(Overrides EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.Pick(PickResult).)
Protected methodPick(PickResult, Primitive)
Given a PickResult and Primitive, returns a list of entities that were picked. This is best used to respond to a pick involving a batch primitive.
(Inherited from EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.)
Protected methodPick<TPrimitive>(PickResult, IEnumerable<TPrimitive>)
Given a list of primitives and a PickResult, returns the primitives that were picked. The primitives in the list are expected to contain an entity in their Tag property.
(Inherited from EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.)
See Also