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SaturnianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris Properties

The SaturnianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDione
Gets a point describing the motion of Dione.
Public propertyStatic memberEnceladus
Gets a point describing the motion of Enceladus.
Public propertyStatic memberHyperion
Gets a point describing the motion of Hyperion.
Public propertyStatic memberIapetus
Gets a point describing the motion of Iapetus.
Public propertyStatic memberMimas
Gets a point describing the motion of Mimas.
Public propertyStatic memberPhoebe
Gets a point describing the motion of Phoebe.
Public propertyStatic memberRhea
Gets a point describing the motion of Rhea.
Public propertyStatic memberTethys
Gets a point describing the motion of Tethys.
Public propertyStatic memberTitan
Gets a point describing the motion of Titan.
See Also