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SaturnianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris Class

Provides Point instances representing the positions of some of the Saturnian moons computed using a J4Propagator with gravitational terms provided by the comments file of the sat441 ephemeris file.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Celestial
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public static class SaturnianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris

The SaturnianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDione
Gets a point describing the motion of Dione.
Public propertyStatic memberEnceladus
Gets a point describing the motion of Enceladus.
Public propertyStatic memberHyperion
Gets a point describing the motion of Hyperion.
Public propertyStatic memberIapetus
Gets a point describing the motion of Iapetus.
Public propertyStatic memberMimas
Gets a point describing the motion of Mimas.
Public propertyStatic memberPhoebe
Gets a point describing the motion of Phoebe.
Public propertyStatic memberRhea
Gets a point describing the motion of Rhea.
Public propertyStatic memberTethys
Gets a point describing the motion of Tethys.
Public propertyStatic memberTitan
Gets a point describing the motion of Titan.
Public fieldStatic memberReferenceDistance
The reference distance for the gravity field of Saturn used by sat441.bsp. See RADIUS in the Additional Constants section of the comments file of the sat441 ephemeris file.
Public fieldStatic memberSaturnGravitationalParameter
The gravitational parameter of Saturn used by sat441.bsp converted to m^3/s^2. See the comments file of the sat441 ephemeris file.
Public fieldStatic memberSaturnJ2
The unnormalized J2 term of Saturn used by sat441.bsp. See J602 in the Additional Constants section of the comments file of the sat441 ephemeris file.
Public fieldStatic memberSaturnJ4
The unnormalized J4 term of Saturn used by sat441.bsp. See J604 in the Additional Constants section of the comments file of the sat441 ephemeris file.
See Also