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TriangulatedSensorProjection Properties

The TriangulatedSensorProjection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMaximumRadius
Gets the maximum distance of any position in MeshVertexPositions from the SensorOrigin as of the last time that UpdateFromNewProjection(CentralBody, Cartesian, SensorProjection, Int32) was called.
Public propertyMeshOutlineIndices
Gets the vertex indices defining the outline lines of the mesh. Each pair of indices defines one line segment. The returned array will always have at least two elements. If the sensor has no outline, the two indices will be both be zero.
Public propertyMeshVertexIndices
Gets the vertex indices defining the triangles of the sensor mesh. Each set of three indices defines one triangle with counter-clockwise winding order. If the sensor has no projection, this property returns null. When UpdateFromNewProjection(CentralBody, Cartesian, SensorProjection, Int32) is called, the content of this array may be modified, or a new array may be created.
Public propertyMeshVertexNormals
Gets the normals of the vertices defining the sensor volume mesh. If the sensor has no projection, this property returns null. When UpdateFromNewProjection(CentralBody, Cartesian, SensorProjection, Int32) is called, the content of this array may be modified, or a new array may be created.
Public propertyMeshVertexPositions
Gets the positions of the vertices defining the sensor volume mesh. If the sensor has no projection, this property returns null. When UpdateFromNewProjection(CentralBody, Cartesian, SensorProjection, Int32) is called, the content of this array may be modified, or a new array may be created.
Public propertySensorOrigin
Gets the origin of the sensor as of the last time that UpdateFromNewProjection(CentralBody, Cartesian, SensorProjection, Int32) was called.
See Also