Click or drag to resize

TextureScreenOverlay Properties

The TextureScreenOverlay type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBorderColor
Gets or sets the overlay's border color. By default, the border color is White. However, also by default, the overlay has a BorderSize of 0.0 so the border is not displayed.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyBorderSize
Gets or sets the size of the overlay's border. By default, this is 0.0 so the border is not displayed.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyBorderTranslucency
Gets or sets the translucency of the overlay border. Translucency is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 is completely opaque and 1.0 is completely transparent.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyBounds
Gets the bounds of the overlay relative to its parent.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyClipToParent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the overlay will be clipped by the Bounds of its parent. If this property is false, part of this overlay may be visible outside of its parent's bounds.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the overlay's color. By default, the overlay is White.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyControlBounds
Gets the bounds of the overlay in coordinates relative to the overall Insight3D control.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyControlPosition
Gets the position of the overlay in coordinates relative to the overall Insight3D control.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyControlSize
Gets the size of the overlay in coordinates relative to the overall Insight3D control.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyDisplay
Gets or sets if this overlay and the collection of overlays that are contained within this overlay should be rendered.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyDisplayCondition
Gets or sets the display condition that determines if the overlay should be rendered. Both this and Display must evaulate to true for the overlay to be rendered.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyFlipX
Gets or sets whether the overlay will be flipped along its X axis.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyFlipY
Gets or sets whether the overlay will be flipped along its Y axis.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of the overlay. The unit in which the height is defined is specified by the HeightUnit property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyHeightUnit
Gets or sets the unit of the Height property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyMaintainAspectRatio
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the aspect ratio of the texture screen overlay is maintained or not.
Public propertyMaximumSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of the overlay. The overlay will never be larger than this size, even if the overlay's Size is specified as a percentage of its parent and its parent is very large. It will also not become larger than this size as a result of a Scale transformation.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyMinimumSize
Gets or sets the minimum size of the overlay. The overlay will never be smaller than this size, even if the overlay's Size is specified as a percentage of its parent and its parent is very small. It will also not become smaller than this size as a result of a Scale transformation.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyOrigin
Gets or sets the origin from which the overlay's position is defined. By default, the value of this property is ScreenOverlayOrigin.BottomLeft. See ScreenOverlayOrigin for a list of the possible origins and a description of how the origin affects the measurement of the overlay's position and size properties.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyOverlays
Gets the collection of overlays that are contained within this overlay.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyPadding
Gets or sets the padding surrounding the Overlays that are contained within this overlay.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the overlay's parent. This may be another overlay if this overlay was added to that overlay's Overlays collection. Or, it may be the ScreenOverlayManager if this overlay was added to the SceneManager'sScreenOverlays collection.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyPickingEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not picking on the overlay is enabled. If picking is disabled, this overlay will never show up in the result of Scene.PickScreenOverlay, even if it occupies the specified pick position.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyPinningOrigin
Gets or sets the origin of the PinningPosition property, relative to the overlay. By default, the value of this property is ScreenOverlayPinningOrigin.Automatic, which indicates that the origin of the PinningPosition property is the same as the Origin property of the screen overlay. See ScreenOverlayPinningOrigin for a list of the possible pinning origins and a description of how the pinning origin affects the measurement of the overlay's position property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyPinningPosition
Gets or sets the pinning position of the overlay, relative to the overlay, which determines the point on the overlay that corresponds to the Position property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the position of the overlay relative to its parent.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyRotationAngle
Gets or sets the counter-clockwise rotation of the overlay, in radians. The overlay is rotated around the point specified by the RotationPoint property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyRotationPoint
Gets or sets the point that the overlay is rotated around when the RotationAngle property has a value other than 0.0.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyScale
Gets or sets the fractional value used to scale the overlay's Size property. A value greater than 1.0 will make the overlay larger while a value less than 1.0 will make it smaller.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the size of the overlay.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets custom data associated with this screen overlay.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyTexture
Gets or sets the texture (image) to be drawn on the overlay. Textures can be obtained from SceneManager.Textures.
Public propertyTextureFilter
Gets or sets the filter used for the Texture associated with this overlay.
Public propertyTranslationX
Gets or sets the value with which the overlay will be translated from the X value of the Position property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyTranslationY
Gets or sets the value with which the overlay will be translated from the Y value of the Position property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyTranslucency
Gets or sets the overlay's translucency. Translucency is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 is completely opaque and 1.0 is completely transparent.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the overlay. The unit in which the width is defined is specified by the WidthUnit property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyWidthUnit
Gets or sets the unit of the Width property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyX
Gets or sets the X position of the overlay relative to its parent. The unit in which the position is defined is specified by the XUnit property. The position is measured horizontally from the Origin, which is, by default, the lower-left corner.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyXUnit
Gets or sets the unit of the X property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyY
Gets or sets the Y position of the overlay relative to its parent. The unit in which the position is defined is specified by the YUnit property. The position is measured vertically from the Origin, which is, by default, the lower-left corner.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
Public propertyYUnit
Gets or sets the unit of the Y property.
(Inherited from Overlay.)
See Also