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PropagatedRoute Properties

The PropagatedRoute type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCentralBody
Gets the central body on which this route is defined.
Public propertyConnectionConfigurationResults
Gets a list containing results for the connections where there was a problem or other metadata associated with configuration. This can often occur if the geometry of the surrounding procedures makes the geometry of a connection infeasible or if the geometry violates user specified constraints in order to connect. To avoid these cases, try allowing the surrounding procedures to adjust their heights and speeds to accommodate for the constraints on the connection.
Public propertyHasConfigurationErrors
Gets a value indicating whether there were errors while configuring the route. If the configuration was not successful, information about where the error occurs and why can be found in the ProcedureConfigurationResults. Errors can mean that there are discontinuities in the route (in cases where the system was unable to find any valid trajectory) or simply represent errors where the intended behavior was infeasible due to over-defined constraints (but still may have produced a smooth route).
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyOverallSurfaceDistance
Gets the overall distance along the projection of the route onto the Ellipsoid shape of the CentralBody.
Public propertyProcedureConfigurationResults
Gets a list containing results for procedures where there was a problem or other metadata associated with the configuration. This can often occur if the geometry of surrounding procedures is infeasible or if some dynamical constraint is violated in the process of propagating a particular procedure.
Public propertySegments
Gets the list of parametric segments defining the geometry of the individual pieces of the route, which together form the overall trajectory. In general, these segments are only needed for diagnostic purposes. The position can be obtained by using CreatePointFromRoute(). The surface geometry can be obtained by using CreateSurfaceCurve(). Lastly, scalars are available to interpolate Heading, Height, Surface Speed, and Total Speed. So, these segments should only be used if information regarding the geometry at a specific procedure is required.
Public propertyStart
Gets the start date of the route.
Public propertyStop
Gets the stop date at the end of the route.
See Also