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QuantizedMeshTerrainProvider Properties

The QuantizedMeshTerrainProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundingExtent
Gets or sets the smallest rectangular extent that bounds the terrain provided by this terrain provider. The returned extent's edges are expressed in radians.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyBoundingExtentNativeUnits
Gets or sets the smallest rectangular extent that bounds the terrain provided by this terrain provider. The returned extent's edges are expressed in the native units of the terrain provider.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyCache
Gets the cache for this terrain provider.
Public propertyDefaultInterpolator
Gets or sets the default interpolator to use to interpolate heights when a specific interpolator is not specified in the call to GetHeight(Double, Double) or GetHeightNativeUnits(Double, Double).
Public propertyHeightReference
Gets or sets an enumeration indicating whether the heights returned by the GetHeight(Double, Double) method are relative to the Shape or to the ReferenceSurface.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyMaximumLevel
Gets the maximum zoom level.
Public propertyMetadata
Gets the metadata for this tileset.
Public propertyMinimumSampleSpacing
Gets the smallest distance between the successive height samples of the terrain data, in radians. If the return value is 0.0, then the minimum sample spacing is unknown.
(Overrides TerrainProvider.MinimumSampleSpacing.)
Public propertyNativeToMeters
Gets or sets the value to multiply a height in the native units of the terrain provider to convert it to meters.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyRadiansToNative
Gets or sets the value to multiply an angle in radians by in order to convert it to the internal units of the terrain provider.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyReferenceSurface
Gets or sets the reference surface. The GetHeight(Double, Double) method returns heights relative to this reference surface. If this property is null, the heights are relative to the surface of the Shape ellipsoid instead.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyShape
Gets or sets the shape on which the longitude and latitude are defined. If ReferenceSurface is null, the heights returned by GetHeight(Double, Double) are relative to this ellipsoid as well.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyShapeFixedFrame
Gets or sets the reference frame fixed to the Shape in which the longitude and latitude are defined.
(Inherited from TerrainProvider.)
Public propertyZoomLevel
Gets or sets the zoom level to request tiles at. If the tile is unavailable at this level, the highest level available tile will be used instead.
See Also