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IEntitySensorFieldOfView Properties

The IEntitySensorFieldOfView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFieldOfView
Gets the transactional property that holds the orientation of the entity. The value assigned to the transacted property may change, but the SensorFieldOfView instance assigned by the property must not change after it is assigned to the transacted property. To change the entity's field of view, create a new SensorFieldOfView instance rather than changing the existing one.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets the transactional property that holds the orientation of the entity. To obtain the axes in which the orientation is defined, get the OrientationAxes property from the entity's EntityDescriptor<TEntity>.
(Inherited from IEntityOrientation.)
Public propertyPosition
Gets the transactional property that holds the position of the entity. To obtain the reference frame in which the position is defined, get the PositionReferenceFrame property from the entity's EntityDescriptor<TEntity>.
(Inherited from IEntityPosition.)
See Also