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SensorFieldOfViewVisualizer<TEntity> Properties

The SensorFieldOfViewVisualizer<TEntity> generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApproximateSamplesPerBoundary
Gets or sets a parameter defining the approximate number of samples to use in the triangulation of each SensorProjectionBoundary. A higher number yields a more accurate projection, which affects the accuracy of the sensor volume, footprint outline, and footprint interior. The default value is 200.
Public propertyCentralBody
Gets or sets the CentralBody on which the sensor field of view will be projected.
Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the color of the sensor volume. This property is equivalent to the VolumeColor property.
(Overrides EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.Color.)
Public propertyDisplay
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the sensor volume is displayed. This property is equivalent to the VolumeDisplay property.
(Overrides EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.Display.)
Public propertyDisplayCondition
Gets or sets the DisplayCondition.
(Overrides EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.DisplayCondition.)
Public propertyEntities
Gets or sets the set of entities visualized by this instance.
(Overrides EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.Entities.)
Public propertyFootprintInteriorColor
Gets or sets a value defining the color and translucency of the footprint interior.
Public propertyFootprintInteriorDisplay
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to show the footprint interior.
Public propertyFootprintInteriorTexture
Gets or sets a value defining the Texture2D of the footprint interior.
Public propertyFootprintInteriorTextureFilter
Gets or sets a value defining the TextureFilter2D of the footprint interior.
Public propertyFootprintInteriorTextureMatrix
Gets or sets a value defining the TextureMatrix of the footprint interior.
Public propertyFootprintInteriorTransparentTextureBorder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border of a transparent texture should be drawn for the footprint interior.
Public propertyFootprintInteriorWireframe
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the footprint interior should be drawn as a wireframe.
Public propertyFootprintOutlineColor
Gets or sets a value defining the color and translucency of the footprint outline.
Public propertyFootprintOutlineDisplay
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to show the footprint outline.
Public propertyFootprintOutlineDisplayOutline
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display an outline of the footprint outline.
Public propertyFootprintOutlineOutlineColor
Gets or sets a value defining the color and translucency of the outline of the footprint outline.
Public propertyFootprintOutlineOutlineWidth
Gets or sets a value defining the width of the outline of the footprint outline.
Public propertyFootprintOutlineWidth
Gets or sets a value defining the width of the footprint outline.
Public propertyProjectionOptions
Gets or sets additional options for computing the projection, including the distance to which to project the portion of a sensor that does not intersect the CentralBody.
Public propertyTranslucency
Gets or sets the translucency of the sensor volume, where 0.0 is completely clear and 1.0 is completely opaque. This property is equivalent to setting the alpha component of the VolumeColor property.
(Overrides EntityVisualizer<TEntity>.Translucency.)
Public propertyVolumeAffectedByLighting
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the volume is affected by lighting.
Public propertyVolumeBackLineColor
Gets or sets a value defining the colors of the back lines of the volume.
Public propertyVolumeBackLineWidth
Gets or sets a value defining the width of the back lines of the volume.
Public propertyVolumeColor
Gets or sets a value defining the color of the volume.
Public propertyVolumeDisplay
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to show the volume.
Public propertyVolumeDisplayFill
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the volume is filled.
Public propertyVolumeDisplayOutline
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the volume is outlined.
Public propertyVolumeDisplaySilhouette
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the volume silhouette is displayed.
Public propertyVolumeOutlineAppearance
Gets or sets a value defining the volume outline appearance.
Public propertyVolumeOutlineColor
Gets or sets a value defining the color and translucency of the volume outline.
Public propertyVolumeOutlineWidth
Gets or sets a value defining the width of the volume outline.
Public propertyVolumeSilhouetteColor
Gets or sets a parameter defining the silhouette color and translucency of the volume.
Public propertyVolumeSilhouetteWidth
Gets or sets a parameter defining the width of the silhouette of the volume.
See Also