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SphericalTabularMonostaticCrossSectionScatteringCoefficient.PolarizationScatteringBasis Enumeration

The scattering basis associated with the 2x2 complex scattering matrix cross section values.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Communications
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Communications (in AGI.Foundation.Communications.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public enum PolarizationScatteringBasis
  Member nameDescription
RightHandCircularLeftHandCircularOrthogonalPair The scattering matrix defines the left hand circular (LHC) and right hand circular (RHC) polarization orthogonal basis. The transmitted signal polarization is divided into LHC and RHC components. These complex vectors are multiplied by the polarization complex scattering matrix to obtain the reflected signal components.
HorizontalVerticalOrthogonalPair The scattering matrix defines the vertical and horizontal polarization orthogonal basis. The transmitted signal polarization is divided into vertical and horizontal components. These complex vectors are multiplied by the polarization complex scattering matrix to get the reflected signal components.
See Also