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CylinderTriangulator Class

Triangulates a cylinder. It is recommended to visualize the cylinder using a SolidPrimitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a TriangleMeshPrimitive with RenderBackThenFrontFaces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a PolylinePrimitive can be used.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Geometry.Discrete
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Graphics (in AGI.Foundation.Graphics.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public static class CylinderTriangulator
Public methodStatic memberCompute(Double, Double)
Computes the triangulation for a cylinder centered at the origin.
Public methodStatic memberCompute(Double, Double, Double, Int32, CylinderFill)
Computes the triangulation for a cylinder centered at the origin.
See Also