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InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer Class

A reference frame transformation between two different realizations of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), which are called International Terrestrial Reference Frames (ITRFs).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Geometry
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public sealed class InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer : DefinitionalObject

The InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEpoch
Gets or sets the defined epoch for the constant terms in the transformation.
Public propertyFrom
Gets or sets the name of the ITRF whose coordinates are being transformed into the To ITRF.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyStatic memberItrfDefinitions
Gets a list of ITRF transformers that can convert from ITRF2020 and ITRF2014 to earlier ITRF frames.
Public propertyRotation
Gets or sets the off-diagonal components of the skew-symmetric rotation matrix that is used to transform between the ITRFs, and the rate at which it changes after the Epoch.
Public propertyScaling
Gets or sets a small number that is added to one to form the diagonal components of the skew-symmetric rotation matrix that is used to transform between the ITRFs, and the rate at which it changes after the Epoch.
Public propertyTo
Gets or sets the name of the ITRF that coordinates are being transformed into.
Public propertyTranslation
Gets or sets the constant position offset between the two ITRFs, and the rate at which it changes after the Epoch.
Public methodClone
Clones this object using the specified context.
(Overrides DefinitionalObject.Clone(CopyContext).)
Public methodConvertAxes(Axes, Axes)
Converts an Axes such that the ITRF transformation is applied when it is evaluated.
Public methodStatic memberConvertAxes(EarthCentralBody, Axes, String)
Converts an Axes such that an ITRF transformation is applied when it is evaluated. ItrfDefinitions is used to provide ITRF transformations.
Public methodStatic memberConvertAxes(EarthCentralBody, Axes, String, List<InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer>)
Converts an Axes such that an ITRF transformation is applied when it is evaluated.
Public methodConvertPoint(ReferenceFrame, Point)
Converts a Point such that the ITRF transformation is applied when it is evaluated.
Public methodStatic memberConvertPoint(EarthCentralBody, Point, String)
Converts a Point such that an ITRF transformation is applied when it is evaluated. ItrfDefinitions is used to provide ITRF transformations.
Public methodStatic memberConvertPoint(EarthCentralBody, Point, String, List<InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer>)
Converts a Point such that an ITRF transformation is applied when it is evaluated.
Public methodStatic memberCreatePointInterpolatorInFixedFrame(EarthCentralBody, InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer, String, InterpolationAlgorithm, Int32, DateMotionCollection<Cartesian>)
Creates a point interpolator in the Earth FixedFrame that is built using data in an ITRF.
Public methodStatic memberCreatePointInterpolatorInFixedFrame(EarthCentralBody, IEnumerable<InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer>, String, InterpolationAlgorithm, Int32, DateMotionCollection<Cartesian>)
Creates a point interpolator in the Earth FixedFrame that is built using data in an ITRF.
Public methodEnumerateDependencies
Enumerates the dependencies of this object by calling Enumerate<T> (T) for each object that this object directly depends upon. Derived classes which contain additional dependencies MUST override this method, call the base implementation, and enumerate dependencies introduced by the derived class.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFreeze
Freezes this object. Further attempts to modify it will result in an ObjectFrozenException.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodGetDefinitionHashCode()
Gets a hash code representing the definition of this object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodGetEvaluator()
Gets an evaluator that can be used to find a HelmertTransformation representing the motion of the To ITRF relative to the From ITRF at a given JulianDate.
Public methodGetEvaluator(EvaluatorGroup)
Gets an evaluator that can be used to find a HelmertTransformation representing the motion of the To ITRF relative to the From ITRF at a given JulianDate.
Public methodStatic memberGetFirstFromList
Gets the first ITRF transformation in the list with the desired characteristics.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsSameDefinition
Determines if this object has the same definition as another object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodStatic memberReadFromItrfDefinitionsFile(String)
Reads an ITRF definitions file and creates a list of ITRF transformations. Each data line in the file adds two ITRF transformations to the list: The forward transformation from the "from year" to the "to year" and the backward transformation from the "to year" to the "from year".
Public methodStatic memberReadFromItrfDefinitionsFile(TextReader)
Reads an ITRF definitions file and creates a list of ITRF transformations. Each data line in the file adds two ITRF transformations to the list: The forward transformation from the "from year" to the "to year" and the backward transformation from the "to year" to the "from year".
Public methodStatic memberReadFromItrfTransformationFile(String)
Reads an ITRF transformation parameters file and creates a list of ITRF transformations. Each file contains transformation parameters from a specific ITRF to several other ITRFs. The forward transformations from the specific ITRF to the other ITRFs and the backward transformations from the other ITRFs to the specific ITRF are included in the resulting list of ITRFs.
Public methodStatic memberReadFromItrfTransformationFile(TextReader)
Reads an ITRF transformation parameters file and creates a list of ITRF transformations. Each file contains transformation parameters from a specific ITRF to several other ITRFs. The forward transformations from the specific ITRF to the other ITRFs and the backward transformations from the other ITRFs to the specific ITRF are included in the resulting list of ITRFs.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransformCollection
Transforms a DateMotionCollection<Cartesian> from the From to the To.

See the ITRF website for details on how the transformations are performed.

The EarthOrientationParameters of the EarthCentralBody determine which ITRF is the same as the FixedFrame of the Earth. By default, this will be the ITRF2020 unless the EarthOrientationParameters specify otherwise.

See Also