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NavigationAccuracyAssessedType Enumeration

An enumeration defining the type of assessed navigation accuracy.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation (in AGI.Foundation.Navigation.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public enum NavigationAccuracyAssessedType
  Member nameDescription
XSignalInSpace The signal-in-space error in the X direction.
YSignalInSpace The signal-in-space error in the Y direction.
ZSignalInSpace The signal-in-space error in the Z direction.
XYSignalInSpace The signal-in-space error in the XY (Horizontal) direction.
PositionSignalInSpace The signal-in-space position error.
TimeSignalInSpace The signal-in-space time error.
XTotal The total error in the X direction.
YTotal The total error in the Y direction.
ZTotal The total error in the Z direction.
XYTotal The total error in the XY (Horizontal) direction.
PositionTotal The total position error.
TimeTotal The total time error.
XSignalInSpaceOneSigma The one sigma error associated with the x component of the signal in space navigation error.
YSignalInSpaceOneSigma The one sigma error associated with the Y component of the signal in space navigation error.
ZSignalInSpaceOneSigma The one sigma error associated with the Z component of the signal in space navigation error.
TimeSignalInSpaceOneSigma The one sigma error associated with the time component of the signal in space navigation error.
PositionSignalInSpaceOneSigma The one sigma error associated with the position of the signal in space navigation error.
XYSignalInSpaceOneSigma The one sigma error associated with the horizontal component of the signal in space navigation error.
See Also