Numerical Propagation Demo |
This application uses a NumericalPropagator to propagate a satellite, which is then visualized in Insight3D using a MarkerGraphicsExtension and a PathPrimitive. Force models can be configured to act on the satellite's orbit being propagated, specifically: SphericalHarmonicGravity, TwoBodyGravity, SimpleSolarRadiationForce, ThirdBodyGravity, and AtmosphericDragForce. A RungeKutta4Integrator or RungeKuttaFehlberg78Integrator can be configured for use by the propagator. The state described by the NumericalPropagatorDefinition in this demo contains just a position and velocity representing one satellite. More generally, the state can contain any number of elements to be propagated including multiple positions, mass, or other parameters with their own differential equations. For more information see the Orbit Propagation topic.
The source code files for the application can be found in the DME Component Libraries install at Examples\NumericalPropagationDemo\.