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IJob.RaiseEventsUsingSynchronizationContext Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Job and Task events such as JobCompleted are raised using the SynchronizationContext of the thread that submits the job. If this property is false, no events are raised until WaitUntilDone() is called, at which point the events are raised in the thread that calls it. If this property is true, events are raised by posting them to the SynchronizationContext of the thread that calls Submit(), no matter if WaitUntilDone() is called or not.

Namespace:  AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure
Assembly:  AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure (in AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure.dll) Version: (
bool RaiseEventsUsingSynchronizationContext { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean
See Also

STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET