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IJob Properties

The IJob type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAgentSelectionPreference
Gets or sets the agent selection preference.
Public propertyCancelOnClientDisconnection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to cancel the tasks of this Job when the client disconnects.
Public propertyCode exampleCancelOnTaskFailure
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to cancel other tasks on this Job if another Task fails.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the Job description.
Public propertyCode exampleExclusiveExecution
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tasks on this job should have exclusive access to the resource it is running on.
Public propertyCode exampleFailIfPreconditionsNotSatisfied
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to fail all tasks immediately of this Job if the precondition is not satisfied.
Public propertyId
Gets the job's id.
Public propertyIsCanceled
Gets a value indicating whether this job has been canceled.
Public propertyMaxTaskInterruptedRetryAttempts
Gets or sets the maximum number of times a task will be retried if it is interrupted.
Public propertyMinimizeClientMessaging
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to minimize sending some messages from the Coordinator. If set to true, some events may not fire.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the Job name.
Public propertyRaiseEventsUsingSynchronizationContext
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Job and Task events such as JobCompleted are raised using the SynchronizationContext of the thread that submits the job. If this property is false, no events are raised until WaitUntilDone() is called, at which point the events are raised in the thread that calls it. If this property is true, events are raised by posting them to the SynchronizationContext of the thread that calls Submit(), no matter if WaitUntilDone() is called or not.
Public propertyTaskEnvironment
Gets or sets Job's TaskEnvironment
Public propertyCode exampleTaskExecutionTimeout
Gets or sets the timeout for task execution in milliseconds.
See Also

STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET