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add(int, Task) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
add(Task) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
add(int, TaskPrecondition) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
add(TaskPrecondition) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
add(CommonResources, Operator, Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
Adds the specified precondition to the collection.
add(String, Operator, Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
Adds the specified precondition to the collection.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Task>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
addAll(Collection<? extends Task>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
addAll(int, Collection<? extends TaskPrecondition>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
addAll(Collection<? extends TaskPrecondition>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
addCompletedListener(CompletedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
addJobCompletedListener(JobCompletedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Add a JobCompletedListener to this job.
addJobSubmittedListener(JobSubmittedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Add a JobSubmittedListener to this job.
addNewMessageListener(NewMessageListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
addNewMessageListener(NewMessageListener) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Adds a handler for an event that occurs when a new message arrives.
addProgressUpdatedListener(ProgressUpdatedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
addStatusChangedListener(StatusChangedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
addTask(Task) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
addTask(Task) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Adds a task to Job.
addTaskCompletedListener(TaskCompletedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Add a TaskCompletedListener to this job.
addTaskProgressListener(TaskProgressUpdatedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Add a TaskProgressUpdatedListener to this job.
addTaskStateChangeListener(TaskStateChangedListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Add a TaskStateChangedListener to this job.
AgentSelectionType - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Indicates algorithm used to decide which agent should be selected for a task.
AgentSnapshot - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents the state of an agent.
AgentSnapshot() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Initializes a new instance of the AgentSnapshot class.
AgentSnapshot(UUID, boolean) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Initializes a new instance of the AgentSnapshot class.
agi.parallel.client - package agi.parallel.client
agi.parallel.infrastructure - package agi.parallel.infrastructure
agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging - package agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging
ALLOCATED_CORES_FOR_TASK - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The number of cores slots the task is allocated.
ALLOCATED_MEMORY_FOR_TASK - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The amount of memory the task is allocated.
AuthorizationType - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Specifies the type of authorization that the user is granted.


cancel() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
cancel(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
cancel() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Cancels all tasks in this job.
cancel(boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Cancels all tasks in this job.
cancelJob(UUID, boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
cancelJob(UUID, boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Cancels the job with the specified id.
cancelTask(UUID) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
cancelTask(UUID) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Cancels the task with the specified id.
clear() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
clear() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
close() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
close() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Closes this JobScheduler and releases any system resources associated with it.
ClusterJobScheduler - Class in agi.parallel.client
Provides the methods used to submit and monitor jobs to cluster scheduler.
ClusterJobScheduler() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Initializes a new instance of the ClusterJobScheduler class.
ClusterJobScheduler(String) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Initializes a new instance of the ClusterJobScheduler class with the specified coordinator hostname.
ClusterJobScheduler(String, int) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Initializes a new instance of the ClusterJobScheduler class with the specified coordinator hostname and coordinator port.
ClusterJobScheduler(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Initializes a new instance of the ClusterJobScheduler class with the specified coordinator host name, port, and security options.
CommonResources - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Common resource values.
CompletedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure
The listener interface for listening for the task to be completed.
connect() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Connects client to specified cluster scheduler.
connect() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Connects client to specified job scheduler.
ConsumableResources - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents something that can be used up by a task.
contains(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
CoordinatorDisconnectedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.client
The listener interface for listening for the coordinator to be disconnected.
CORES - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.ConsumableResources
The number of cores the task will consume.
CpuArchitecture - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Specifies the target cpu type of the host process.
createChildJob() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Creates a child job and yields all resources to children.
createChildJob(boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Creates a child job.
createJob() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
createJob() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Returns a new job that can later be used to submit to the job scheduler.


debug(Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Debug level.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Debug level including the stack trace of the Throwable provided.
debugFormat(String, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Debug level.
debugFormat(String, Object...) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Debug level.
debugFormat(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Debug level.
DefaultTaskEnvironment - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Default task environment used in a job.
DefaultTaskEnvironment() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.DefaultTaskEnvironment
disconnect() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
disconnect() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Disconnects client from specified job scheduler.
dispose() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
dispose() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Please use IJobScheduler.close() (or a try-with-resources statement)


ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
Task environment associated with host that will execute task.
equals(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
equals(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProgressInformation
error(Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Error level.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Error level including the stack trace of the Throwable provided.
errorFormat(String, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Error level.
errorFormat(String, Object...) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Error level.
errorFormat(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Error level.
ESTIMATED_MEMORY_BUDGET - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.ConsumableResources
The memory budget the hostpool will have to distribute to tasks.
ESTIMATED_MEMORY_USAGE_FOR_TASK - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The amount of reserved estimated memory usage for the task.
execute() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Main entry point into Task when it is run on a Host.


fatal(Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Fatal level.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Fatal level including the stack trace of the Throwable provided.
fatalFormat(String, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Fatal level.
fatalFormat(String, Object...) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Fatal level.
fatalFormat(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Fatal level.


get(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
get(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
getActivity() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the current activity performed on the agent.
getAdditionalId() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the optional additional id of the environment.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProgressInformation
Gets progress additional information.
getAdditionalJars() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Gets the list of additional jars that are sent with this job.
getAdditionalNativeLibraries() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Gets the list of additional native libraries that are sent with this jar.
getAgentInfo() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
getAgentInfo() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IGetAgentInfo
Returns the list of agents and their current states.
getAgentSelectionPreference() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getAgentSelectionPreference() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets the agent selection preference.
getAllowSelfSignedCertificates() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets a value indicating whether to allow self-signed certificates when communicating with the coordinator.
getCancelOnClientDisconnection() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getCancelOnClientDisconnection() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets a value indicating whether to cancel the tasks of this Job when the client disconnects.
getCancelOnTaskFailure() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getCancelOnTaskFailure() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets a value indicating whether to cancel other tasks on this Job if another Task fails.
getCapacity() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the capacity, which is the number of hosts that can be run simultaneously.
getClusterResponseTimeout() - Static method in class agi.parallel.client.JobSchedulerSettings
Gets the number of milliseconds before timing out certain cluster api requests.
getCoordinatorMachineName() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets the name of the coordinator.
getCoordinatorPort() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets port number of the coordinator.
getCoordinatorReconnectionDelay() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Retrieves the amount of time, in milliseconds, the scheduler should wait before attempting to reconnect to the coordinator.
getCoordinatorReconnectionInterval() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the scheduler should wait in between each reconnection attempt.
getCoordinatorThumbprint() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Returns the expected thumbprint of the coordinator's certificate.
getCoordinatorTimeout() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets the timeout wait time in milliseconds This value is readonly after you have already connected to the coordinator.
getCpuSpeed() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the cpu speed for the machine where the agent is running.
getCurrentCpuUsage() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the current cpu usage.
getDateStarted() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the time that agent connected to coordinator.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.client.JobPriority
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSelectionType
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AuthorizationType
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CommonResources
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CpuArchitecture
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.Operator
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.OSPlatform
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskCancellationReason
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDefault() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskStatus
Get the enum constant that is considered to be the default.
getDescription() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getDescription() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskProgressEventArgs
Gets the progress data.
getDescription() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the description associated with this agent.
getDescription() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets the Job description.
getDescription() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.ProgressEventArgs
Gets the progress data.
getEstimatedMemoryBudget() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the estimated memory budget, which is the amount of estimated memory budgeted to the agent.
getExcludedJars() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Gets the list of excluded jars that are not sent with this job.
getExclusiveExecution() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getExclusiveExecution() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets a value indicating whether the tasks on this job should have exclusive access to the resource it is running on.
getFailIfPreconditionsNotSatisfied() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getFailIfPreconditionsNotSatisfied() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets a value indicating whether to fail all tasks immediately of this Job if the precondition is not satisfied.
getFixedNumberOfTasks() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Gets the fixed number of tasks.
getFreeSpace() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HardDiskStatus
Gets the free disk space.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.client.JobPriority
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSelectionType
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AuthorizationType
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CommonResources
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CpuArchitecture
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.Operator
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.OSPlatform
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskCancellationReason
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getFromValue(int) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskStatus
Get the enum constant that is associated with the given numeric value.
getHardDisk() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the amount of disk space on the drive the agent is running on.
getHostArchitecture() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the desired CPU Architecture of the host that executes the task.
getHostPool() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the hostpool snapshot.
getId() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
getId() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Gets the id of this job scheduler.
getId() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getId() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the agent identifier.
getId() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets the job's id.
getId() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Gets the id of the participant's mailbox.
getId() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the unique handle of task.
getId() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the id of the environment.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Gets the idle timeout in milliseconds.
getIsCanceled() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getIsCanceled() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets a value indicating whether this job has been canceled.
getIsCancelling() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets a value indicating whether this task is cancelling.
getIsConnected() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
getIsConnected() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Gets a value indicating whether the job scheduler is connected.
getIsEnabled() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets a value indicating whether this agent is enabled or disabled.
getIsFinishedTaskStatus() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets a value indicating whether this task has been finished.
getIsReadOnly() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
getIsReadOnly() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
getIsRegistered() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets a value indicating whether this agent is registered.
getJob() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.JobCompletedEventArgs
Gets the job that completed.
getJob() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.JobSubmittedEventArgs
Get the job that completed.
getJobCompletion() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Gets a value indicating whether to recycle the host upon job completion.
getLicenseInfo(LicenseParameters) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
getLicenseInfo(LicenseParameters) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IGetLicenseInfo
Gets the license info that matches the provided license parameters.
getLinkBandwidth() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
Gets the link bandwidth of the network interface.
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the logging level of the agent.
getMachineName() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the name of the machine where the agent is running.
getMaxConcurrentJobSubmissions() - Static method in class agi.parallel.client.JobSchedulerSettings
Gets the maximum number of concurrent job submissions.
getMaximumHostCount() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
getMaximumHostCount() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Returns the maximum number of hosts that is available to the job scheduler.
getMaximumReconnectionAttempts() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets the maximum number of times the job scheduler should try to reconnect to the coordinator before aborting.
getMaxTaskInterruptedRetryAttempts() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getMaxTaskInterruptedRetryAttempts() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets the maximum number of times task will be retried if task gets interrupted.
getMeetsThreshold() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets a value indicating whether the agent meets the threshold for agent selection that is set by the coordinator.
getMemory() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the memory status (i.e.
getMessage() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NewMessageEventArgs
Gets the new message.
getMessagingVersion() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.VersionInfo
Gets the messaging version.
getMinimizeClientMessaging() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getMinimizeClientMessaging() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets a value indicating whether to minimize sending some messages from the Coordinator.
getName() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getName() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets the Job name.
getName() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the display name of the task.
getName() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the display name of the task environment.
getNetwork() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the network activity that agent using for remote connections.
getNewStatus() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskStatusChangedEventArgs
Gets the new task status.
getNewStatus() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.StatusChangedEventArgs
Gets the new task status.
getOperation() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Gets the operation.
getOSPlatform() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets a value indicating what OS platform the agent is running on.
getPayload() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NonSerializableObject
Gets the payload which couldn't get deserialized.
getPreviousStatus() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskStatusChangedEventArgs
Gets the previous task status.
getPreviousStatus() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.StatusChangedEventArgs
Gets the previous task status.
getPriority() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Gets the job priority.
getPriority() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the current priority of the resource.
getPrivateMemoryUsageMaximum() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Gets the private memory usage maximum in bytes.
getProductVersion() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.VersionInfo
Gets the product version.
getProgress() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProgressInformation
Gets Task Progress.
getProperties() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the properties of the task.
getProperties() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets task environment properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Returns property value by name.
getProperty(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Returns property value by name.
getProvideClientCertificate() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets a value indicating whether or not to provide a client certificate to the coordinator.
getReceiveRate() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
Gets the network sampled received rate.
getRecycleSettings() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the recycling settings that determine when to shutdown the host process on which tasks run.
getRegularInterval() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Gets the regular interval in milliseconds.
getRequiredLicense() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the required license associated with this environment.
getResource() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Gets the resource name.
getResources() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the resources of the agent.
getResourceValue() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Gets the value of the resource.
getResult() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets Task's execution result.
getRuntimeProperties() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the runtime properties of the agent.
getSender() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NewMessageEventArgs
Gets the sender of the message.
getSendRate() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
Gets the network sampled send rate.
getSpecificTimes() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Gets the specific times.
getStandardError() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the standard error of the host that executed the task.
getStandardOutput() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the standard output of the host that executed the task.
getState() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskStatusChangedEventArgs
Gets the state of the task.
getState() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.StatusChangedEventArgs
Gets the state of the task.
getTask() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCompletedEventArgs
getTask() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskProgressEventArgs
Gets the Task task whose progress was updated.
getTask() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskStatusChangedEventArgs
Gets the task that has changed state.
getTaskCancellationMessage() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the optional task cancellation message.
getTaskCancellationReason() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the reason why the task was canceled.
getTaskEnvironment() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getTaskEnvironment() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets Job's TaskEnvironment (get / set) By default, an instance of DefaultTaskEnvironment is set as the task environment of a new job.
getTaskEnvironmentNoLongerReferenced() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Gets a value indicating whether to recycle the host when its current task environment is no longer referenced.
getTaskExecutionTimeout() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
getTaskExecutionTimeout() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Gets the timeout for task execution in milliseconds.
getTaskPreconditions() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Gets the list of task pre conditions.
getTasks() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Gets the tasks that are contained in this Job.
getTasksPerHost() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
TasksPerHost is obsolete; use RecycleSettings.FixedNumberOfTasks instead
getTaskStatus() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Gets the task status.
getTeardownTimeout() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the amount of time teardown can run for before it is timed-out in milliseconds.
getThresholdFailureReason() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the reason for the threshold failure.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the time of snapshot creation.
getTotalSpace() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HardDiskStatus
Gets the total disk space.
getUserAuthorization() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
getUserAuthorization() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IGetAuthorizationInfo
Determines whether the user is authorized for the job submission protocol.
getUserName() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Gets the name of the user of this agent.
getUseSsl() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Gets a value indicating whether or not to use SSL when communicating with the coordinator.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.client.JobPriority
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSelectionType
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AuthorizationType
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CommonResources
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CpuArchitecture
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.Operator
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.OSPlatform
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskCancellationReason
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getValue() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskStatus
Get the numeric value associated with this enum constant.
getVersionInfo() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
getVersionInfo() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IGetVersionInfo
Gets the version info of the job scheduler.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Gets the custom working directory of the task environment.
GRACEFUL_CANCELLATION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a task to exit gracefully when cancelled.


HardDiskStatus - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents hard disk information.
HardDiskStatus() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HardDiskStatus
hashCode() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
HOST_END_TIME - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
Time host finished executing task.
HOST_START_TIME - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
Time host started executing task.
HostRecycleSettings - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Host recycling settings.
HostRecycleSettings(int, int, int, String, boolean, boolean, long) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Initializes a new instance of the HostRecycleSettings class.
HostRecycleSettings(HostRecycleSettings) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Copy constructor.
HostRecycleSettings() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Initializes a new instance of the HostRecycleSettings class.


IEnforceTaskPrecondition - Interface in agi.parallel.client
Indicates that the job scheduler enforces task preconditions.
IGetAgentInfo - Interface in agi.parallel.client
Provides the methods to get the agents of the job scheduler.
IGetAuthorizationInfo - Interface in agi.parallel.client
Provides the methods to check if the user is authorized.
IGetLicenseInfo - Interface in agi.parallel.client
Provides the methods to get the license information.
IGetVersionInfo - Interface in agi.parallel.client
Provides the methods to get the job scheduler version.
IJob - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents a group of tasks in the system.
IJobScheduler - Interface in agi.parallel.client
Provides the methods used to submit and monitor jobs to a job scheduler.
IJobSchedulerContext - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Allows interaction with the job scheduler.
ILog - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging
Provides the methods used to log messages.
IMessageEndpoint - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents a client of the messaging system.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
indexOf(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
info(Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Info level.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Info level including the stack trace of the Throwable provided.
infoFormat(String, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Info level.
infoFormat(String, Object...) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Info level.
infoFormat(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Info level.
InfrastructureException - Exception in agi.parallel.infrastructure
The exception that is thrown when an infrastructure error occurs.
InfrastructureException() - Constructor for exception agi.parallel.infrastructure.InfrastructureException
Initializes a new instance of the InfrastructureException without any error message.
InfrastructureException(String) - Constructor for exception agi.parallel.infrastructure.InfrastructureException
Initializes a new instance of the InfrastructureException class.
InfrastructureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception agi.parallel.infrastructure.InfrastructureException
Initializes a new instance of the InfrastructureException class.
INTERRUPTED_RETRY_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The number of retry attempts on this task.
isEmpty() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
isEmpty() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
iterator() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
iterator() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection


Job - Class in agi.parallel.client
Represents a group of tasks in the system.
Job(IJobScheduler) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.client.Job
Initializes a new instance of the Job class.
JOB_SCHEDULER_CONTEXT - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
Contains various methods dealing with job scheduler operations within the task.
JobCompletedEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.client
Provides data for the JobCompleted event.
JobCompletedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.client
The listener interface for listening for the job to be completed.
JobPriority - Enum in agi.parallel.client
Specifies the scheduling priority of a Job.
JobSchedulerException - Exception in agi.parallel.client
The exception that is thrown when a job scheduler error occurs.
JobSchedulerException() - Constructor for exception agi.parallel.client.JobSchedulerException
Initializes a new instance of the JobSchedulerException class.
JobSchedulerException(String) - Constructor for exception agi.parallel.client.JobSchedulerException
Initializes a new instance of the JobSchedulerException class.
JobSchedulerException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception agi.parallel.client.JobSchedulerException
Initializes a new instance of the JobSchedulerException class.
JobSchedulerSettings - Class in agi.parallel.client
Global settings for the job scheduler.
JobSubmittedEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.client
Provides data for the Job.JobSubmitted event.
JobSubmittedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.client
The listener interface for listening for the job to be submitted.


lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
listIterator() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
listIterator(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
listIterator() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
listIterator(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
LOGGER - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The logger that can write to the host log files.


MAX_CORES_FOR_TASK - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The maximum number of desired cores slots the task should occupy.
MAX_MEMORY_FOR_TASK - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The maximum amount of reserved memory the task should consume.
MEMORY - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.ConsumableResources
The amount of memory the task will consume.
MIN_CORES_FOR_TASK - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The minimum number of desired cores slots the task should occupy.
MIN_MEMORY_FOR_TASK - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The minimum amount of reserved memory the task should consume.


NetworkStatus - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents network information.
NetworkStatus() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
NewMessageEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Event arguments containing new message.
NewMessageEventArgs(Object, UUID) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NewMessageEventArgs
Initializes a new instance of the NewMessageEventArgs class.
NewMessageListener - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure
The listener interface for listening for a new message to be sent to this mailbox.
NonSerializableObject - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents a message which couldn't be serialized.
NonSerializableObject(byte[]) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NonSerializableObject
Initializes a new instance of the NonSerializableObject class.


onCompleted(Task) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.CompletedListener
Invoked when the task completes.
onCoordinatorDisconnected() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Called when the job scheduler connection with the coordinator is interrupted.
onCoordinatorDisconnected() - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.CoordinatorDisconnectedListener
Invoked if/when the coordinator is disconnected.
onJobCompleted(Job, JobCompletedEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.JobCompletedListener
Invoked when all tasks of the job completes.
onJobSubmitted(Job, JobSubmittedEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.JobSubmittedListener
Invoked when job is submitted.
onNewMessage(NewMessageEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.NewMessageListener
Invoked when a new message is sent to this mailbox.
onProgressUpdated(Task, ProgressEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.ProgressUpdatedListener
onStatusChanged(Task, StatusChangedEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.StatusChangedListener
Invoked when the task changes state.
onTaskCompleted(Job, TaskCompletedEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.TaskCompletedListener
Invoked when a task completes.
onTaskProgressUpdated(Job, TaskProgressEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.TaskProgressUpdatedListener
Invoked when a job task's progress gets updated.
onTaskStateChanged(Job, TaskStatusChangedEventArgs) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.TaskStateChangedListener
Invoked when a job task's state changes.
Operator - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Indicates the operation code used to compare resources.
OSPlatform - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
OS platform values.


postMessage(Object, UUID) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
postMessage(Object, UUID, boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
postMessage(Object, UUID) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Posts a message to the specified target mailbox.
postMessage(Object, UUID, boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Posts a message to the specified target mailbox.
ProgressEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Provides data for the ProgressUpdated event.
ProgressUpdatedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure
The listener interface for listening for the task's progress to be updated.


receiveMessage() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
receiveMessage(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
receiveMessage(UUID[]) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
receiveMessage(int, UUID[]) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
receiveMessage() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox.
receiveMessage(UUID[]) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox.
receiveMessage(int) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox.
receiveMessage(int, UUID[]) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IMessageEndpoint
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox.
remove(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
remove(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
remove(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
remove(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
removeNewMessageListener(NewMessageListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
removeProperty(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Removes the property from the property bag.
reserveResource(String, long) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Reserves the resource with the specified amount.
reserveResource(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Reserves the resource with the specified amount, possibly restricting to children jobs.
reserveResource(String, long, int) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Reserves the resource with the specified amount, with the specified time-out.
reserveResource(String, long, boolean, int) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Reserves the resource with the specified amount, possibly restricting to children jobs, and with the specified time-out.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection


set(int, Task) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
set(int, TaskPrecondition) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
setActivity(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the current activity performed on the agent.
setAdditionalId(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the optional additional id of the environment.
setAdditionalInformation(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProgressInformation
Sets progress additional information.
setAgentSelectionPreference(AgentSelectionType) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setAgentSelectionPreference(AgentSelectionType) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets the agent selection preference.
setAllowSelfSignedCertificates(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets a value indicating whether to allow self-signed certificates when communicating with the coordinator.
setCancelOnClientDisconnection(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setCancelOnClientDisconnection(boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets a value indicating whether to cancel the tasks of this Job when the client disconnects.
setCancelOnTaskFailure(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setCancelOnTaskFailure(boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets a value indicating whether to cancel other tasks on this Job if another Task fails.
setCapacity(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the capacity, which is the number of hosts that can be run simultaneously.
setClusterResponseTimeout(int) - Static method in class agi.parallel.client.JobSchedulerSettings
Sets the number of milliseconds before timing out certain cluster api requests.
setCoordinatorMachineName(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets the name of the coordinator.
setCoordinatorPort(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets port number of the coordinator.
setCoordinatorReconnectionDelay(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the scheduler should wait before attempting to reconnect to the coordinator.
setCoordinatorReconnectionInterval(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the scheduler should wait in between each reconnection attempt.
setCoordinatorThumbprint(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets the expected thumbprint of the coordinator's certificate.
setCoordinatorTimeout(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets the timeout wait time in milliseconds.
setCpuSpeed(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the cpu speed for the machine where the agent is running.
setCurrentCpuUsage(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the current cpu usage.
setDateStarted(GregorianCalendar) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the time that agent connected to coordinator.
setDescription(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setDescription(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the description associated with this agent.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets the Job description.
setEstimatedMemoryBudget(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the estimated memory budget, which is the amount of estimated memory budgeted to the agent.
setExclusiveExecution(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setExclusiveExecution(boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets a value indicating whether the tasks on this job should have exclusive access to the resource it is running on.
setFailIfPreconditionsNotSatisfied(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setFailIfPreconditionsNotSatisfied(boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets a value indicating whether to fail all tasks immediately of this Job if the precondition is not satisfied.
setFixedNumberOfTasks(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Sets the fixed number of tasks.
setFreeSpace(long) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HardDiskStatus
Sets the free disk space.
setHardDisk(HardDiskStatus) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the amount of disk space on the drive the agent is running on.
setHostArchitecture(CpuArchitecture) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the desired CPU Architecture of the host that executes the task.
setHostPool(List<HostSnapshot>) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the hostpool snapshot.
setId(UUID) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the agent identifier.
setId(UUID) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the id of the environment.
setIdleTimeout(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Sets the idle timeout in milliseconds.
setIsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets a value indicating whether this agent is enabled or disabled.
setIsRegistered(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets a value indicating whether this agent is registered.
setJobCompletion(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Sets a value indicating whether to recycle the host upon job completion.
setLinkBandwidth(long) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
Sets the link bandwidth of the network interface.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the logging level of the agent.
setMachineName(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the name of the machine where the agent is running.
setMaxConcurrentJobSubmissions(int) - Static method in class agi.parallel.client.JobSchedulerSettings
Sets the maximum number of concurrent job submissions.
setMaximumReconnectionAttempts(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets the maximum number of times the job scheduler should try to reconnect to the coordinator before aborting.
setMaxTaskInterruptedRetryAttempts(short) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setMaxTaskInterruptedRetryAttempts(short) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets the maximum number of times task will be retried if task gets interrupted.
setMeetsThreshold(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets a value indicating whether the agent meets the threshold for agent selection that is set by the coordinator.
setMemory(MemoryStatus) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the memory status (i.e.
setMessagingVersion(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.VersionInfo
Sets the messaging version.
setMinimizeClientMessaging(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setMinimizeClientMessaging(boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets a value indicating whether to minimize sending some messages from the Coordinator.
setName(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setName(String) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets the Job name.
setName(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Sets the display name of the task.
setName(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the display name of the task environment.
setNetwork(NetworkStatus) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the network activity that agent using for remote connections.
setOperation(Operator) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Sets the operation.
setOSPlatform(OSPlatform) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets a value indicating what OS platform the agent is running on.
setPriority(JobPriority) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
Sets the job priority.
setPriority(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the current priority of the resource.
setPrivateMemoryUsageMaximum(long) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Sets the private memory usage maximum in bytes.
setProductVersion(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.VersionInfo
Sets the product version.
setProgress(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Sets progress of task.
setProgress(int, Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Sets progress of task.
setProgress(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProgressInformation
Sets Task Progress.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Sets properties on Task.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets property value.
setProvideClientCertificate(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets a value indicating whether to provide a client certificate to the coordinator.
setReceiveRate(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
Sets the network sampled received rate.
setRecycleSettings(HostRecycleSettings) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the recycling settings used for the policy which determines when to shutdown the host process the task runs on.
setRegularInterval(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Sets the regular interval in milliseconds.
setRequiredLicense(LicenseParameters) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the required license associated with this environment.
setResource(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Sets the resource name.
setResources(Map<String, String>) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the resources of the agent.
setResourceValue(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Sets the value of the resource.
setResult(Object) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
Sets Task's execution result.
setRuntimeProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the runtime properties of the agent.
setSendRate(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
Sets the network sampled send rate.
setSpecificTimes(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Sets the specific times.
setTaskEnvironment(TaskEnvironment) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setTaskEnvironment(TaskEnvironment) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets Job's TaskEnvironment (get / set)
setTaskEnvironmentNoLongerReferenced(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Sets a value indicating whether to recycle the host when its current task environment is no longer referenced.
setTaskExecutionTimeout(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
setTaskExecutionTimeout(int) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Sets the timeout for task execution in milliseconds.
setTasksPerHost(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
TasksPerHost is obsolete; use RecycleSettings.FixedNumberOfTasks instead
setTeardownTimeout(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the amount of time teardown can run for before it is timed-out in milliseconds.
setThresholdFailureReason(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the reason for the threshold failure.
setTimeStamp(GregorianCalendar) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the time of snapshot creation.
setTotalSpace(long) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HardDiskStatus
Sets the total disk space.
setup() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.DefaultTaskEnvironment
setup() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Called by Host before Task is executed.
setUserName(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
Sets the name of the user of this agent.
setUseSsl(boolean) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
Sets a value indicating whether or not to use SSL when communicating with the coordinator.
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Sets the custom working directory of the task environment.
size() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
size() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
StatusChangedEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Provides data for the StatusChanged event.
StatusChangedEventArgs(TaskStatus, TaskStatus, TaskState) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.StatusChangedEventArgs
Initializes a new instance of the TaskStatusChangedEventArgs class.
StatusChangedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.infrastructure
The listener interface for listening for the task to change state.
subList(int, int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
subList(int, int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
submit() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
submit() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Submits job to job scheduler.
submitJob(Job, JobSubmitListener) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
submitJob(Job, JobSubmitListener) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Submits job to the job scheduler so that the job scheduler can add the job to it's queue.
SUBMITTER_ID - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The id of the client that submitted this task.


Task - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents an individual task in the system.
Task() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
TASK_ANCESTRY - Static variable in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProperties
The task ancestry of this task.
TaskCancellationReason - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Indicates the reason for the task cancellation.
TaskCollection - Class in agi.parallel.client
A collection of Task.
TaskCompletedEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.client
Provides data for the TaskCompleted event.
TaskCompletedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.client
The listener interface for listening for the task to be completed.
TaskEnvironment - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents the task environment in the system.
TaskEnvironment() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Initializes a new instance of the TaskEnvironment class.
TaskPrecondition - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents a resource constraint that should be satisfied by the agent to run a task.
TaskPrecondition() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Initializes a new instance of the TaskPrecondition class.
TaskPrecondition(String, Operator, Object) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Initializes a new instance of the TaskPrecondition class.
TaskPrecondition(CommonResources, Operator, Object) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition
Initializes a new instance of the TaskPrecondition class.
TaskPreconditionCollection - Class in agi.parallel.client
A collection of TaskPrecondition.
TaskPreconditionCollection() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
TaskProgressEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.client
Provides data for the TaskProgressUpdated event.
TaskProgressInformation - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Represents Task reported progress.
TaskProgressInformation() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProgressInformation
Initializes a new instance of the TaskProgressInformation class.
TaskProgressInformation(int, Object) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskProgressInformation
Initializes a new instance of the TaskProgressInformation class.
TaskProgressUpdatedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.client
The listener interface for listening for the job task's progress to be updated.
TaskProperties - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
A collection of common constants identifying task properties (getProperties).
TaskStateChangedListener - Interface in agi.parallel.client
The listener interface for listening for a task of this job to change state.
TaskStatus - Enum in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Indicates the status of a task.
TaskStatusChangedEventArgs - Class in agi.parallel.client
Provides data for the TaskStateChanged event.
TaskStatusChangedEventArgs(TaskStatus, TaskStatus, Task, TaskState) - Constructor for class agi.parallel.client.TaskStatusChangedEventArgs
Initializes a new instance of the TaskStatusChangedEventArgs class.
teardown() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.DefaultTaskEnvironment
teardown() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskEnvironment
Called by Host after Task is executed.
toArray() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
toArray(T[]) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskCollection
toArray() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
toArray(T[]) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.TaskPreconditionCollection
toString() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
toString() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot
toString() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CommonResources
toString() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HardDiskStatus
toString() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
toString() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.NetworkStatus
toString() - Method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.OSPlatform
toString() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task
toString() - Method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskPrecondition


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.client.JobPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSelectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AuthorizationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CommonResources
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CpuArchitecture
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.Operator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.OSPlatform
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskCancellationReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.client.JobPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSelectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.AuthorizationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CommonResources
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.CpuArchitecture
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.Operator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.OSPlatform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskCancellationReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum agi.parallel.infrastructure.TaskStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VersionInfo - Class in agi.parallel.infrastructure
Version information.
VersionInfo() - Constructor for class agi.parallel.infrastructure.VersionInfo


waitUntilDone(UUID, int, Runnable, int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler
waitUntilDone(UUID, int, Runnable, int) - Method in interface agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler
Blocks until all tasks in this job complete or the operation times out.
waitUntilDone() - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
waitUntilDone(int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
waitUntilDone(int, Runnable, int) - Method in class agi.parallel.client.Job
waitUntilDone() - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Blocks until all tasks in this job complete.
waitUntilDone(int) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Blocks until all tasks in this job complete or the operation times out.
waitUntilDone(int, Runnable, int) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJob
Blocks until all tasks in this job complete or the operation times out.
warn(Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Warn level.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Log a message object with the Warn level including the stack trace of the Throwable provided.
warnFormat(String, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Warn level.
warnFormat(String, Object...) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Warn level.
warnFormat(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.logging.ILog
Logs a formatted message string with the Warn level.
withFixedNumberOfTasks(int) - Static method in class agi.parallel.infrastructure.HostRecycleSettings
Creates the settings with only fixed number of tasks.


yieldResource(String, long) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Yields the resource with the specified amount without a restriction to children.
yieldResource(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface agi.parallel.infrastructure.IJobSchedulerContext
Yields the resource with the specified amount.
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