HPOP Force Models: Drag
The Drag tab of the HPOP Force Model Properties window comprises options for modeling spacecraft prperties and atmospheric density. HPOP will apply these options in the computation of atmospheric drag accelerations on the satellite. To have HPOP model drag for a trajectory calculation, select the Use Drag check box.
Use the following parameters to specify the vehicle modeling for drag:
Parameter | Description |
Type | From the shortcut menu, select one of the following modeling options:
Cd | If you select Type = Spherical, then enter an atmospheric drag coefficient. |
Area/Mass Ratio | If you select Type = Spherical, then enter an area-to-mass ratio in m2/kg. |
Name | If you select Type = DragModelPlugin, then select the a plugin model name from the shortcut menu. |
If you select Type = DragModelPlugin, then you can click this button to open the Drag Model Pluging Settings dialog box. You can then edit the settings of the plugin you chose. |
HPOP uses the Jacchia-Roberts model as a default atmospheric density model. However, you can use the following options and parameters to define a customized atmosphere model to use in drag calculation.
Parameter | Description |
Atmospheric Density Model | Use the shortcut menu to select one of the following models:
For missile objects, you can only select atmosphere models that are valid to the ground. These are: Harris-Priester, NRLMSISE 2000, MSISE 1990, and Jacchia 1960. |
Low Altitude Density Model | Use this shortcut menu to select an alternative atmospheric density model to apply at lower altitudes in combination with any of the upper altitude models. You can select either the MSISE 1990 or NRLMSISE 2000 model if Earth is the central body. Otherwise, you can leave the None default selection in place. |
Blending Range | This defines the range of overlap in which HPOP blends the upper and lower altitude atmospheric density models. Valid values are between 0 and 1,000 km. |
SolarFlux / GeoMag
The solar flux and geomagnetic properties available for drag modeling are dependent on the currently selected Atmospheric Density model. From the shortcut menu, select Enter Manually or Use File to specify the solar flux and geomagnetic property values.
Manually specified solar flux and geomagnetic property values
Property | Description |
Daily F10.7 | The daily Ottawa 10.7 cm solar flux value |
Average F10.7 | The 81-day averaged Ottawa 10.7 cm solar flux value |
Geomagnetic Index | Planetary geomagnetic flux index, Kp |
Parameters that are not available for a given atmospheric density model are grayed out when you select that model.
Flux file properties
If you use a flux file to compute atmospheric density for drag, specify the following:
Property | Description |
Flux/Ap File | Click the ellipsis button to browse to the path and name of a flux file. |
Geomag Update Rate | From the shortcut menu, select an update rate from the following options:
These updates cause (small) discontinuous changes in the drag perturbation force. If you select the 3-Hourly or 3-Hourly Interp update rate when using MSIS models, a special setting of the MSIS model, (SW[9]=-1), is set for the use of present and past Ap values when computing density. Also, STK does not use interpolation with MSIS models, so selecting the 3-Hourly Interp update rate for an MSIS model will produce the same result as selecting the 3-Hourly rate. The MSIS models use a slightly different algorithm when you select to use Daily versus the 3-Hourly options. |
Geomagnetic Flux Source | Use this shortcut menu to specify whether to use the kp or ap data from the flux file; CSSI predicts files always use ap data. |
About flux files
A flux file contains flux data (Ap, Kp, f10.7, and avg f10.7) for each date. The geomagnetic flux data (ap/kp) includes a daily value and eight values measured at three-hour intervals for each date. STK reads both the ap and kp data from a file, and each density model uses the appropriate data natively.
The file may follow the format of CSSI predicts (.dat) files, SpaceWeather (.txt) files, or the stkFluxGeoMag (.fxm) files. For more information about the format of these file types, see the Solar Flux Files topic of this Help.
When reading the flux file, the observation time for F10.7 data is 20:00 UTC, the time at which the value begins to apply for each day listed in the file. Also, when using F10.7 values from the flux file, the value of F10.7 at any given time is found using linear interpolation of the table of data.
When reading FXM flux files, which contain only adjusted F10.7 values, the values listed in the file are corrected by the Sun-Earth distance to get observed F10.7 values.
All three files can be reported using the Geo Mag Flux Tool under the Scenario menu.
Use Approximate Altitude
If you select this check box, the drag model uses an approximate expression to determine altitude instead of finding the exact altitude, when computing density. The density of the model itself is more uncertain than the difference produced with the two altitude measures, and the approximate expression is faster to test than the exact expression, which uses an iterative procedure.
For technical notes on this option, see Approximate Altitude Computation in STK.
Use Apparent Sun Position
If you select this check box, density models that use the position of the sun as part of their computations will use the apparent position of the sun; otherwise, they will use the true position of the sun. Most density models do not distinguish between true and apparent sun position, though the apparent position is believed to be more consistent with the physics of the atmosphere.
Notes on atmospheric density models
MSIS models
The NRLMSIS model is available at https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/models/.
Mars GRAM models
These models, published by NASA, are valid for use with Mars as a central body. The data files for these models are installed with the STK Planetary Data Supplement. Primary information about these models is included with the following PDF files:
The following table outlines the Mars GRAM-specific fields in the SolarFlux / GeoMag section.
Parameter | Description |
Namelist File | The namelist (.nml) file is an input file for Mars GRAM that you can use to set various parameters described in the Mars GRAM user's guide for the specific model that you are using. The default file installed with the STK Planetary Data Supplement, INPUT.nml, sets many of the parameters in such a way that they are compatible with STK's environment; these parameters are indicated with comments in the file. Some parameters that can be specified in the namelist file will naturally be countermanded by their contextual usage in STK. For example, FLAT (initial latitude) will be overridden in favor of the initial STK state, and NPOS (number of points) will be ignored in favor of the number of steps that the numerical integrator requires. |
Density Type | Specify the Mars GRAM density value for HPOP to use for trajectory evaluation from the following options:
The Mars GRAM models are available on NASA's website.