Getting Started with Coverage
STK Pro, STK Premium (Air), STK Premium (Space), or STK Enterprise
You can obtain the necessary licenses for this tutorial by contacting AGI Support at or 1-800-924-7244.
The results of the tutorial may vary depending on the user settings and data enabled (online operations, terrain server, dynamic Earth data, etc.). It is acceptable to have different results.
This tutorial requires STK 12.9 or newer to complete.
Capabilities covered
This lesson covers the following STK Capabilities:
- STK Pro
- Coverage
Problem statement
As a university student, your senior design team has worked in conjunction with a consortium of two other universities in designing a new space-based Earth observing payload. Your payload was designed to be an on-orbit space shuttle experiment rather than a stand-alone satellite. The space shuttle has just lifted off with your payload on-board! The other two universities built small satellites carrying this new payload (SunSync and TestSat). Their satellites launched previously on two separate space launches. Because the three Earth observing payloads were all piggy-backed to space as secondary missions of other launches, they ended up in three different orbits.
You need to know when any or all of the three satellites can “see” the portion of the Earth’s surface that falls between 60 degree and -60 degrees latitude. Additionally, you would like to know if any areas of the Earth will be covered by two or even three sensors simultaneously, during daylight hours, and if so, for how long.
Manually calculating point-to-point access to an object positioned at every point on the Earth individually would be time consuming. How will you determine the extent and quality of coverage provided by the three satellites that you are assessing?
Use STK's Coverage capability to model and analyze the quality and quantity of coverage provided by the Earth observing payloads attached to satellites in three different orbits. Using that model, you will determine if, when, and for how long two or more of the satellites can survey the surface of the Earth during daylight hours.
Upon completion of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Understand a coverage grid
- Use constraints in a coverage grid
- Determine coverage assets
- Understand multiple Figure of Merit types
- Choose which data providers supply answers to your questions
- Create color contours pertaining to the coverage analysis in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows
- Use the Grid Inspector tool
Video guidance
Watch the following video. Then follow the steps below, which incorporate the systems and missions you work on (sample inputs provided).
Breaking it down
You have some information that may be helpful. Here’s what you know:
- The Earth observing payload is attached to three different satellites (Shuttle, SunSync, and TestSat).
- The shuttle is flying in a low earth orbit with a 51.6 degree inclination.
- One of the university satellites is in a sun synchronous orbit (SunSync).
- The other satellite is in a circular orbit with an altitude of 1400 km and an inclination of 70 degrees (TestSat).
- The Earth observing mission that these satellites are performing requires the Earth to be in sunlight in order for data collection to occur.
- You are only interested in the area on the surface of the Earth that falls between 60 degrees north latitude and -60 degrees south latitude.
Using the starter scenario VDF
To speed things up and enable you to focus on this lesson's main goal, you will use a partially created scenario. The partially created scenario is saved as a visual data file (VDF) in your STK install.
Retrieving the starter scenario
- Launch STK (
- Click in the Welcome to STK dialog.
- Go to <STK install folder>\Data\Resources\stktraining\VDFs\.
- Select Coverage_GettingStarted.vdf.
- Click .
Saving a VDF as a SC file
When you save a scenario in STK, it will save in the format in which it originated. In other words, if you open a VDF, the default save format will be a VDF (.vdf). The same is true for a scenario file (*.sc). If you want to save a VDF as a SC file (or the other way around), you must change the file format when you are performing the Save As procedure.
- Open the File menu.
- Select Save As... .
- Click STK User on the left side of the Save As dialog.
- Select Coverage_GettingStarted (
- Click .
- Open the Save as type: shortcut menu.
- Select Scenario Files (*.sc).
- Click .
- Click to confirm.
Save () often!
Exploring the starter scenario
The scenario provided contains three previously defined satellites. Each satellite is equipped with a sensor used to model the field of view of the attached data collection instrument.
3D View: Three predefined orbits
Understanding Coverage
Coverage allows you to analyze the global or regional coverage provided by one or more assets (facilities, vehicles, sensors, etc.) while considering all access. Specific results are generated based on detailed access computations performed to user-defined grid points within an area of coverage. Using Coverage you can:
- Define areas of interest
- Define coverage assets (satellites, ground facilities, etc.)
- Define the time period of interest
- Determine and report measures of coverage quality
Coverage provides the necessary tools, but you have some work to do, too. Let’s get started.
Defining your coverage area with a Coverage Definition
You know what your region of interest is: the portion of the Earth’s surface that falls between 60 degrees and -60 degrees latitude. You need to tell STK to use that area as your region of interest. Use a Coverage Definition () object to define an analytical area that will limit itself to user defined boundaries. A Coverage Definition (
) object is defined by:
- Selecting the area(s) of interest
- Identifying the assets that may provide coverage to those areas
- Setting the time period over which coverage statistics are to be analyzed
Once the Coverage Definition () object is defined, access periods to the coverage area can be computed to determine the availability of an asset or set of assets that satisfy all geometric, lighting, temporal and other user-specified constraints within that area.
Inserting a Coverage Definition object
Coverage analyses are based on the accessibility of assets (objects that provide coverage) and geographical areas. For analysis purposes, the geographical areas of interest are further refined using regions and points defined by STK. Points have specific geographical locations and are used in the computation of asset availability. Regions are closed boundaries that contain points. Accessibility to a region is computed based on accessibility to the points within that region. The combination of the geographical area, the regions within that area, and the points within each region is called the coverage grid.
The default Grid Definition type is set to Latitude Bounds. This definition results in a coverage region that is a band circling the globe between your defined latitude boundaries.
- Bring the Insert STK Objects tool to the front.
- Select Coverage Definition (
) in the Select An Object To Be Inserted: list.
- Select the Insert Default (
) method in the Select A Method: list.
- Click .
- Right click on CoverageDefinition1 (
) in the Object Browser.
- Select Rename in the shortcut menu.
- Rename CoverageDefinition1 (
) to Stereo_Cov.
Defining the coverage grid
Define the coverage grid to cover -60 degrees to 60 degrees latitude.
- Open Stereo_Cov's (
) Properties (
- Select the Basic - Grid page when the Properties Browser opens.
- Enter the following in the Grid Area of Interest frame:
Option | Value |
Min Latitude: | -60 deg |
Max Latitude: | 60 deg |
Setting the grid resolution
While the area to be considered in the coverage analysis is specified by a set of regions within the defining bounds, the statistical data computed during a coverage analysis is based on a set of locations, or points, which span the coverage area. You can determine the spacing between grid points using the options in the Point Granularity area of the Grid page. These options help you define the fineness or coarseness of the grid. The exact location of the grid points are computed based on a specified granularity.
Finer grid resolution typically produces more accurate results but requires additional computational time and resources.
- Enter 4 deg in the Lat/Lon field in the Point Granularity frame.
- Click to apply the changes and keep the Properties Browser open.
Choosing coverage graphics
You can define how the coverage grid displays in the 2D and 3D Graphics window using the graphics Attributes properties for the coverage definition object. The fields on the 2D Graphics - Attributes page allow you to specify grid attributes as well as the way in which the progress of coverage computations display.
- Select the 2D Graphics - Attributes page.
- Select the Show Regions check box in the Grid frame.
- Click to apply the changes and keep the Properties Browser open.
Getting a better look
The sections and lines outlined on the globe represent coverage regions and individual points within those regions. The points have a specific geographical location and are used in the computation of assets available. Accessibility to a region is computed based on accessibility to the points within that region.
- Bring the 3D Graphics window to the front.
- Mouse around in the 3D Graphics window to get a good look at the coverage grid.
- Mouse around in the 3D Graphics window to get a good look at the north and/or south pole.
3D View: Stereo_Cov's grid display
Notice that there is no grid covering either of these areas. When you limited the boundaries of your coverage region, STK excluded these areas from the grid.
3D View: Stereo_Cov's grid extents
Managing your resources
By default, STK is set to automatically recompute access every time an object on which the coverage definition depends (such as an asset) is updated. You will be computing access to a large area, which could take some time. You still have several changes to make. In an effort to manage your resources more efficiently, let’s not tie up STK recomputing access automatically every time you make a change. Let’s turn that off.
- Return to Stereo_Cov's (
) properties (
- Select the Basic - Advanced page.
- Clear the Automatically Recompute Accesses check box.
- Click to accept the changes and to close the Properties Browser.
Constraining your coverage
Your first objective is to determine what areas of the Earth, at some time in a twenty-four hour period, will be examined by at least one of the sensors during daylight hours. If coverage is based on access to every point in the grid, how will you ensure that the grid points are constrained based on the lighting conditions in that geographical area?
Once you have defined the grid area and resolution, you can customize the definition of points within the grid, by specifying a type of object or a specific object for the points within the grid. The template object can be used to associate three types of information with the grid points: access constraints, basic object properties and, in some specialized cases, the altitude of the points in the grid.
By default, the grid points are located on the surface of the Earth and accesses to grid points are constrained to a line-of-sight not obstructed by the Earth. If you select a template object, the constraints set for the template object are also used by all the points within the grid.
Creating the constraints template
Since you want to constrain your analysis based on the lighting conditions on the ground, apply the constraints to a Facility () object and then use the Facility (
) object as your template.
- Insert a facility (
) object using the Insert Default (
) method.
- Rename Facility1 (
) to Const_Template.
Applying a Sun constraint
Any constraints or characteristics that you want to impose on points in the coverage grid must be applied to a template object. You can set a lighting constraint on Const_Template (), which, once associated with the coverage definition, will be used by every point in the coverage grid.
- Open Const_Template's (
) properties (
- Select the Constraints - Active page.
- Click Add new constraints (
) in the Active Constraints toolbar.
- Select Lighting in the Constraint Name list when the Select Constraints to Add dialog opens.
- Click .
- Click to close the Select Constraints to Add dialog.
- Look at the Lighting frame in the Constraint Properties section.
- Click .
- Clear the Const_Template (
) check box in the Object Browser.
The default selection is Direct Sun (total sunlight). This is the constraint you need for your analysis. The location and display of the constraints template is unimportant. Take a moment to turn off the object label in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows.
You don't need to see the Facility () object in either the 2D or 3D Graphics windows.
Associating the Sun constraint to the coverage grid
You’ve applied the appropriate constraint to Const_Template (), but you still need to associate that object with Stereo_Cov (
- Open Stereo_Cov's (
) properties (
- Select the Basic - Grid page when the Properties Browser opens.
- Click .
- Set the following in the Grid Constraint Options dialog:
- Click to close the Grid Constraint Options dialog.
- Click .
Option | Value |
Reference Constraint Class: | Facility |
Use Object Instance | Select the check box |
<Object Instance> | Select Const_Template |
Identifying your coverage assets
You’ve defined and constrained the area within which you’d like to analyze coverage. The next step is to identify your assets. Coverage Assets specify which objects, or assets in the scenario, will be used to provide coverage over the specified region.
The Earth observing payloads attached to each satellite (Shuttle, SunSync,and TestSat) are modeled using an STK sensor object in this scenario; therefore, the sensors attached to each satellite will be your assets. Let’s assign those assets now.
- Select the Basic - Assets page.
- Expand (
) each satellite object (
- Hold down the Ctrl key and select all three Sensor (
) objects.
- Click .
- Click .
The display in the Assets list will change to visually indicate which objects in the scenario have been assigned as assets.
Assigned assets for Stereo Cov
Using the Compute Accesses tool
The ultimate goal of coverage is to analyze accesses to an area by using assigned assets and applying necessary limitations upon those accesses. Compute coverage with the Compute Accesses tool.
You have a coverage definition (Stereo_Cov), which covers the surface of the Earth between 60 degrees and -60 degrees and you’ve assigned assets (the Earth observing payload on each satellite) that will provide access to that area-of-interest. Now that the coverage definition object is defined and properly contained, access periods to the coverage area can be computed to determine the availability of an asset or set of assets that satisfy all geometric, lighting, temporal and other specified constraints. Let’s do that now.
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Right click on Stereo_Cov (
) in the Object Browser.
- Select CoverageDefinition in the shortcut menu.
- Select Compute Accesses in the next shortcut menu.
Coverage graphics display in the 2D Graphics window while coverage is being computed. When you compute coverage, all access calculations between the coverage assets (all three Sensor () objects) and the coverage area (Stereo_Cov (
)) are computed. A Progress Bar will display in STK's Status Bar which displays the Coverage computational progress (%).
For larger scale calculations, consider computing the accesses for coverage in parallel using multiprocessing. This can be done using multiple cores with Compute Accesses in Parallel. When you choose this option, STK saves the current state of your scenario to a temporary VDF, worker processes are started on the local machine or on the cluster machine depending on your configuration and then the results are sent back to STK.
If you select white as the color for the coverage definition, you will not see any computational progress.
2D View: Coverage computation display
Defining the quality of coverage
While the Coverage Definition () object defines the problem, a Figure of Merit (
) object allows you to evaluate the quality of coverage provided by the selected set of assets (defined for the Coverage Definition (
) object) over the coverage area and then provide a method for summarizing and viewing the resultant data.
To evaluate coverage quality, you will first need to set basic parameters that determine the way in which quality is computed. This involves choosing the method for evaluating the quality of coverage provided, setting measurement options, and identifying the criteria needed to achieve satisfactory coverage.
Measuring simple coverage
Simple coverage measures whether or not a point is accessible by any of the assigned assets. An evaluation of the dynamic behavior of simple coverage computes a value of one (1) for points that are currently in an access period and zero (0) for points that are not. The static behavior of simple coverage computes a value of one (1) for grid points that have access to an asset at any point in the analysis time period and zero (0) for points that are not accessible.
Let’s evaluate the quality of coverage within your coverage region using a simple coverage type.
- Insert a Figure of Merit (
) object using the Insert Default (
) method.
- Select Stereo_Cov (
) in the Select Object dialog.
- Click .
- Rename FigureOfMerit1 (
) to Simple_Cov.
STK creates a Simple Coverage figure of merit by default. Since you will be evaluating simple coverage there is no need to change SimpleCov’s () properties.
Configuring static coverage graphics
Graphics are used to represent the static and dynamic value of simple coverage. When displaying static graphics, grid points are highlighted if they are covered by at least one asset at any time during the analysis time period. The figure of merit display shows you where, during daylight hours, you have coverage by at least one asset during the coverage interval.
- Bring the 3D Graphics window to the front.
- Mouse around the 3D Graphics window to view the coverage quality.
3D View: Simple coverage quality for Stereo_Cov
In this case, the entire coverage region is shaded here in red. Your color could be different. This tells you that, at some point during the twenty-four analysis interval, each point in your coverage region did have access to at least one asset during daylight hours.
Viewing dynamic coverage graphics
Look at coverage graphics in the 2D Graphics window. In the 2D Graphics window you can see the entire globe as a flat map, whereas in the 3D Graphics window, the sunlit portion of the globe may be hidden when accesses occur.
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Click Decrease Time Step (
) in the Animation toolbar and set the Time Step: to 10.00 sec.
- Click Start (
) to animate your scenario.
- Click Reset (
) when finished.
2D View: Simple coverage quality dynamic display
The solar terminator as well as the subsolar point have already been enabled for you so you can tell which portion of the Earth is in sunlight at any given time. Notice that throughout the twenty-four hour period not all of the satellites are in sunlit regions at the same time, and often only a portion of the field-of-view for a given satellite is in a sunlit region.
It’s obvious that each of your assets has access for some portion of the twenty-four hour period, but how many of those assets have coverage in the same area simultaneously during daylight hours? A second Figure of Merit () object can be used to answer that very question.
Cleaning up the 2D and 3D Graphics window views
In an effort to minimize clutter and more clearly visualize periods of access, let’s remove the grid from the visualization windows and focus on the coverage quality display.
- Open Stereo_Cov's (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Attributes page.
- Clear the Show Regions check box.
- Clear the Show Points check box.
- Click .
- Clear the check box beside Simple_Cov (
) in the Object Browser.
Inserting a second Figure of Merit object
Insert a second Figure of Merit () object that will analyze the quality of coverage based on the number of available assets.
- Insert a Figure of Merit (
) object using the Define Properties (
) method.
Select Stereo_Cov (
) in the Select Object dialog.
- Click ..
- Rename Figure of Merit2 (
) to NAsset_Cov.
Using N Asset Coverage
N Asset Coverage measures the number of assets available simultaneously during coverage, where N is between zero and the total number of assets defined in the coverage definition. The dynamic definition of N Asset Coverage computes the number of assets currently accessible to each grid point.
- Open NAsset_Cov's (
) properties (
- Select the Basic - Definition page when the Properties Browser opens.
- Set the following in the Definition frame:
- Click .
Option | Value |
Type | N Asset Coverage |
Compute | Maximum |
Selecting maximum computes the maximum number of assets available over the entire coverage interval. In this case, for every grid point the static value of the FOM is the maximum number of sensors (assets) simultaneously providing coverage during the analysis interval.
Getting a better look
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
2D View: NAsset FOM coverage graphics
Your colors might be different from the image. The graphics indicate that you have access over the entire coverage grid. Change the criteria that will indicate which accesses are considered valid.
Choosing a satisfaction
You can restrict NAsset_Cov's () behavior so that STK only applies the graphical properties when a chosen satisfaction criterion is met.
- Return to NAsset_Cov’s (
) properties (
- Set the following in the Satisfaction frame:
- Click ..
Option | Value |
Enable | Selected |
Satisfied If: | At Least |
Threshold: | 2 |
In this case, you want the satisfaction criteria to be that at least two (the selected threshold) of the assets (sensors) have access to a point in the grid simultaneously during daylight hours.
Decreasing the translucency
To ensure the graphics display brightly against the globe, you can decrease the percent translucency.
- Select the 2D Graphics - Animation page.
- Enter 20 in the % Translucency field in the Show Points As frame.
- Click .
- Select the 2D Graphics - Static page.
- Enter 20 in the % Translucency field in the Show Points As frame.
- Click .
Getting a better look
Adding the satisfaction criteria has greatly reduced your area of coverage as evidenced by the 2D and 3D Graphics display.
- Bring the 3D Graphics window to the front.
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Click Start (
) to animate your scenario.
- Click Reset (
) when finished.
3D View: NAsset FOM satisfaction graphics
Your colors might be different from the above image.
2D View: NAsset FOM satisfaction graphics
Notice that, as the scenario animates, a single sunlit sensor no longer shows dynamic coverage graphics. With the satisfaction criteria applied, you only see dynamic coverage graphics if there is double or triple coverage.
Graphing coverage by latitude
Create a graph to confirm what you are seeing in the 2D Graphics window.
- Right click on Stereo_Cov (
) in the Object Browser.
- Select Report & Graph Manager... (
) in the shortcut menu.
- Clear the Show Reports check box in the Styles list of the Report & Graph Manager.
- Select the Coverage By Latitude (
) graph in the Installed Styles (
) list.
- Click .
Understanding the coverage by latitude data provider
The coverage by latitude data provider reports coverage for each latitude in the selected range (-60 degrees to 60 degrees), at intervals depending on the selected resolution. A point is considered to be covered if it has access to one or more of the assigned assets. The reported values for each latitude are the average value for all grid points at that latitude.
- Where would be the best to place to put a ground station for data collection?
- Would you have access to multiple assets at the same time?
- Close the Coverage by Latitude graph.
- Click Close to close the Report & Graph Manager.
Graph: Stereo Cov percent of time covered by latitude
The graph clearly coincides with what you see on the map. As your latitude increases, your coverage decreases.
Use the graph to answer the following questions:
Visualizing multiple asset coverage
You have determined that the southern latitudes provide the best coverage, and it would, therefore, be beneficial to put a data collection ground station somewhere in a southern latitude. Your analysis, up to this point, has illustrated instantaneous coverage. You would also like to determine what areas, at some time during the day, had single, double, or triple coverage.
- Open NAsset_Cov’s (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Animation page when the Properties Browser opens.
- Open the Show: dropdown menu in the Accumulation frame.
- Select Up to current time.
- Click .
The accumulation options for animation graphics allow you to control the sense and persistence of the animation graphics. By default, STK is set to highlight grid points that meet the satisfaction criteria at the current time. When you change the accumulation value to Up to current time, grid points that have met the satisfaction criterion based on the dynamic definition of the figure of merit from the start time to the current time are highlighted during animation. This can help you determine not only where you have the best coverage but also when you have the best coverage.
Viewing up to current time in the 2D Graphics window
Because you made minimal changes to the 2D Graphics properties for the NAsset_Cov (), by default both static and animation graphics display in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows. Whenever an assigned asset passes through the coverage area it leaves a footprint that indicates where the quality criteria (at least two assets) was met at a specific point in time.
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Click Start (
) to animate your scenario.
- Click Reset (
) when finished.
2D View: NAsset FOM up to current coverage
In the above image, the pink shading (the static graphics) shows the sum of what has been covered by at least two assets at some time during the entire coverage interval. The yellow shading (animation graphics) shows how coverage is accumulated. When you animate the scenario, the animation graphics will accumulate as additional areas of the Earth are covered by at least two assets over time until they match the total static coverage for the coverage interval. Since the static coverage is the sum of the accumulated coverage it will eventually equal or add up to the static graphics.
Understanding contour graphics
You can specify how levels of coverage quality display in both the 2D and 3D Graphics windows using contours graphics. Contour levels represent the gradations in coverage quality and can be displayed for both static and animation values of the figure of merit.
Before you display contour graphics, turn off the display of the Animation graphics for NAsset_Cov.
- Return to NAsset_Cov’s (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Animation page.
- Disable the Show Animation Graphics check box.
- Click .
Creating static contours
Static Contour levels display coverage data for all points based on evaluation over the entire coverage interval (in this case the analysis period).
- Select the 2D Graphics - Static page.
- Enable the Show Contours option in the Display Metric frame.
- Click in Level Attributes frame.
- Enter the following values in the Level Adding frame:
- Click .
Option | Value |
Add Method | Start, Stop, Step |
Start | 1 |
Stop | 3 |
Step | 1 |
Selecting the contour colors
- Enter the following values in the Level Attributes frame:
- Click .
Option | Value |
Color Method | Color Ramp |
Start Color | Red |
End Color | Blue |
Creating an embedded legend for the 2D and 3D Graphics windows
- Click in the Level Attributes frame.
- Click in the Static Legend for NAsset_Cov floating legend.
- Select the Show at Pixel Location check box in both the 2D Graphics Window and 3D Graphics Window frames in the Figure of Merit Legend Layout dialog.
- Click to close the Figure of Merit Legend Layout dialog.
- Close the Static Legend for NAsset_Cov floating legend.
Viewing the legend
- Bring either the 2D or 3D Graphics window to the front.
- You should see a legend in either window.
Static contours legend for NAsset coverage
The map graphics will be colored according to the number of available assets as outlined in the static contours legend.
Selecting natural neighbor sampling
You would like a smoother effect for the contours in your 2D and 3D Graphics windows. You can to use the Natural Neighbor Sampling option to accomplish this.
- Return to NAsset_Cov's (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Static page.
- Select the Natural Neighbor option in the Contour Interpolation (points must be filled) frame.
- Click .
This option is not valid for these Coverage Definition types: Latitude Line, Longitude Line, and Custom Boundary.
Color is applied smoothly over all points in the grid to differentiate contour levels. If you choose the Natural Neighbor Sampling, the value of the Figure of Merit is determined for each screen pixel within the coverage area using a natural neighbor interpolation algorithm based on the computed values of the Figure of Merit at the grid points. In the case of discreet figures of merit, interpolated values are rounded to the nearest integer.
Getting a better look
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Bring the 3D Graphics window to the front.
2D View: NAsset FOM static contours display
3D View: NAsset FOM static contours display
Creating dynamic contours
The static contour display tells you where you have access to at least one (red), two (green), or three (blue) assets at some point during the entire coverage interval. Take contours a step further. Display contours that will tell you how many assets you have access to based on the scenario time.
- Return to NAsset_Cov’s (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Static page.
- Clear the Show Static Graphics check box.
- Click .
- Select the 2D Graphics - Animation page.
- Select the Show Animation Graphics check box.
- Select the Show Contours option.
- Click in the Level Attributes frame.
- Click to confirm.
- Select the Natural Neighbor option in the Contour Interpolation (points must be filled) frame.
- Click .
Selecting Copy Static Levels ensures that the same contour levels and colors are used for both static and animation graphics.
Getting a better look
As your scenario animates areas in the coverage grid that have access to all three assets will be blue, the areas with double coverage will be green, and those with single coverage will be red.
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Click Start (
) to animate your scenario.
- Click Reset (
) when finished.
2D View: NAsset dynamic contours display
Contour graphics have shown you that you have coverage from one and two assets at various times throughout your coverage analysis, but how long do you have that coverage, and exactly where? You can use yet another Figure of Merit () object to help answer that very question.
Removing NAsset_Cov's graphics
Before you create another Figure of Merit () object, turn NAsset_Cov's (
) graphics off, so that they don’t interfere with the coverage quality display of the new Figure of Merit (
) object.
- Locate NAsset_Cov (
) in the Object Browser.
- Clear the check box next to NAsset_Cov (
) in the Object Browser.
Inserting a third Figure of Merit object
- Insert a Figure of Merit (
) object using the Insert Default (
) method.
Select Stereo_Cov (
) in the Select Object dialog.
- Click .
- Rename FigureOfMerit3 (
) to Cov_Time.
Measuring coverage time
Coverage Time measures the amount of time during which grid points are covered. Because Coverage Time does not have a dynamic definition, no time-dependent information is computed.
- Open Cov_Time's (
) properties (
- Select the Basic - Definition page when the Properties Browser opens.
- Set the following in the Definition frame.
- Click .
Option | Value |
Type: | Coverage Time |
Compute: | Total Time Above |
Min # Assets | 2 |
The Total Time Above option computes the amount of time (over the entire coverage interval) during which a point is covered by at least the minimum number of assets specified.
Decreasing the translucency
To ensure the graphics display brightly against the globe, you need to decrease the percent translucency.
- Select the 2D Graphics - Static page.
- Enter 20 in the % Translucency: field.
- Click .
Getting a better look
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
2D View: Cov Time FOM graphics display
Your colors could be different from the above image. The shaded points on the 2D Graphics window are those that have some amount of time when they are covered by two assets simultaneously.
Reporting coverage time
Cov_Time's () display shows that you have at least two assets viewing parts of the southern latitudes over the entire coverage interval. But what are the maximum, minimum, and average values over the entire coverage region?
- Right click on Cov_Time (
) in the Object Browser.
- Select Report & Graph Manager... (
) in the shortcut menu.
- Select the Show Reports check box in the Styles frame in the Report & Graph Manager.
- Clear the Show Graphs check box.
- Select the Grid Stats (
) report in the Installed Styles (
) list.
- Click .
- What are the minimum (e.g. 0.000 seconds), maximum (e.g. ~1697 seconds) and average (e.g. ~70 seconds) values for Cov_Time (
- Note these values to help you define your contour levels.
- Close the report and the Report & Graph Manager.
The Grid Stats report summarizes the minimum, maximum and average static value for Cov_Time () over the entire grid. The values in the Grid Stats report are a great way to determine the start and stop values to specify when enabling graphics contours.
Creating coverage time contours
Now that you have the values for your coverage time, you can use them to set the intervals for Cov_Time's () contour graphics.
- Return to Cov_Time’s (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Static page.
- Select the Show Contours option.
- Click in the Level Attributes frame.
- Set the following values in the Level Adding section:
- Click .
Option | Value |
Add Method | Start, Stop, Step |
Start | 100 sec |
Stop | Round down to nearest 100 below the Maximum (sec) value found in the Grid Stats report (e.g. 1600) |
Step | 250 sec |
Any times under 100 seconds will show no color in both the 2D and 3D Graphics windows. Any times above 1600 seconds will show the end color.
Selecting the contour colors
- Enter the following values in the Level Attributes frame:
- Select the Natural Neighbor option in the Color Interpolation (points must be filled) frame.
- Click .
Option | Value |
Color Method: | Color Ramp |
Start Color: | Red |
End Color: | Blue |
Creating an embedded legend for the 2D and 3D Graphics windows
- Click in the Level Attributes frame.
- Click in the Static Legend for Cov_Time floating legend.
- Select the Show at Pixel Location check box in both the 2D Graphics Window and 3D Graphics Window frames in the Figure of Merit Legend Layout dialog.
- Type Coverage Time (seconds) in the Title: field in the Text Options frame.
- Enter 0 in the Number Of Decimal Digits: field.
- Enter the following in the Range Color Options frame:
- Click to close the Figure of Merit Legend Layout dialog.
- Close the Static Legend for Cov_Time floating legend.
- Click to close the Properties Browser.
Option | Value |
Max Color Squares per Row: | 40 |
Color Squares Width (pixels): | 50 |
Color Square Height (pixels): | 20 |
Getting a better look
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Bring the 3D Graphics window to the front.
- Mouse around to see how the contours cover the globe.
2D View: Cov Time FOM static contour display with legend
The legend is now embedded in the 2D map display for easy reference. The map graphics will be colored according to the length of time that assets are available as outlined in the static contours legend.
3D View: Cov Time FOM static contour display with legend
Reporting coverage time by grid point
The contours display provides a general overview of when you have coverage by two or more assets for how long, and the animation time can serve as a reference for when you the extended periods of coverage occur. To get a more thorough outline of the exact length of time each point in the grid is covered by two or more assets, let’s create a report.
- Right click on Cov_Time (
) in the Object Browser.
- Select Report & Graph Manager... (
) in the shortcut menu.
- Select the Value By Grid Point (
) report in the Installed Styles (
) list.
- Click .
- Are there any grid points in the southern hemisphere that have values?
- Which latitude/longitude has the highest value (most time covered)?
- When you finish, close the Value By Grid Point report.
- Close the Report & Graph Manager (
The Value by Grid Point data provider returns a detailed list which includes the geodetic coordinates of each point in the grid, and the length of time that each point is covered by at least two assets (the minimum assets specified in the FOM definition) while in direct sunlight (the constraint imposed on the grid points using the Const_Template facility object).
Preparing the 2D Graphics window for the Grid Inspector tool
The Grid Inspector tool is an object level tool that is available for Coverage Definition () and Figure of Merit (
) objects. For a Coverage Definition (
) object, the Grid Inspector provides in-depth information about raw access data. For the Figure of Merit (
) object, the Grid Inspector provides detailed quality-related information. Since you’re interested in the amount of time that multiple satellites cover an area, you will use the Grid Inspector tool for the figure of merit to see the exact FOM values for each area.
- Open Stereo_Cov's (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Attributes page when the Properties Browser opens.
- Select the Show Regions check box in the Grid frame.
- Select the Show Points check box.
- Click .
Opening the Grid Inspector tool
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Right-click Cov_Time (
) in the Object Browser.
- Select FigureOfMerit in the shortcut menu.
- Select Grid Inspector... in the next shortcut menu.
Obtaining region data
- Open the Action dropdown menu.
- Choose Select Region.
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Click anywhere in the 2D Graphics window where there is coverage.
- Read the information in the Messages: field concerning the selected region.
Changing the Figure of Merit
Report options available through the Grid Inspector depend on the object selected. Time dependent data is not available for Cov_Time (). It is for NAsset_Cov (
- Clear the Cov_Time (
) check box in the Object Browser.
- Select the NAsset_Cov (
) check box in the Object Browser.
- Open NAsset_Cov's (
) properties (
- Select the 2D Graphics - Animation page when the Properties Browser opens.
- Clear the Show Animation Graphics check box.
- Click .
- Select the 2D Graphics - Static page.
- Select the Show Static Graphics check box.
- Click .
Creating a Region FOM report
- Bring the Grip Inspector to the front.
- Click .
- Select NAsset_Cov (
) in the Select Object dialog.
- Click .
- Open the Action dropdown menu.
- Choose Select Region.
- Click on a grid point anywhere in the 2D Graphics window where there is coverage.
- Click in the Reports section.
- Read the data in the report.
- Close the report when finished.
Narrowing the focus to one point
Narrow the focus to an actual point.
- Open the Action dropdown menu.
- Choose Select Point.
- Bring the 2D Graphics window to the front.
- Click anywhere in the Coverage results area.
- Read the information in the Messages: field concerning the selected point.
- Feel free to continue to click various points in the Coverage results.
- Feel free to create any report or graphs.
- Close the Grid Inspector when done.
The information displays the Coverage Time at each specific point.
Saving your work
- Close any open reports, properties and the Report & Graph Manager.
- Save (
) your work.
You learned how to use a Coverage Definition object to include defining the grid, creating a direct sun constrained template object and applying that to the grid. You learned how to choose coverage assets. You looked at multiple Figures of Merit setups and analyzed simple , number of assets and coverage time coverage. You used multiple data providers to analyze your grid. Using the data, you created color contours that corresponded to the data. Finally, you used the Grid Inspector tool to focus analysis in selected regions and points inside of the coverage grid.