Description | Example | Return message | Group

Graphics FOMContours

Define the display of contour graphics for a figure of merit


Graphics <ObjectPath> FOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


The Graphics FOMContours Connect command allows you to set static and animation graphics for the figure of merit contours.

{GfxType} can be:

StaticSet Static to On to show contour levels on a vehicle track, if applicable.
AnimationSet Animation to On to use contour levels for marker animation highlight.

{ContourOption} can be:

ShowOnToggle the display of coverage quality levels on and off without loosing the levels set.
UseStaticN/A This option directs STK to use the settings for Static contour levels to define the Animation contour levels.

This option is valid only if {GfxType} is set to Animation.

TypeFillSet the fill style to Smooth fill
PointSet the fill style to Block fill
StartStop<StartLevel> <StopLevel> <Step>Generate contour values beginning with the <StartLevel> and incrementing by the <Step> until the <StopLevel> is exceeded. If the values entered would produce more than 100 levels, no levels will be added.
ColorRamp[{StartColor} {EndColor}]Color the first contour level with the {StartColor} specified, the last contour level with the {EndColor} specified, and apply a spectrum pattern to all levels in between. If you don't specify a {StartColor} and {EndColor}, default colors are chosen for you.
ExplicitLevel<Level> [{Color}]Add a contour level, and optionally specify the color of the level.

If you set {ContourOptions} to ColorRamp, then send an ExplicitLevel command with a color, the color requested is ignored because the color ramp controls the color choice for graphics.

ExplicitColorsN/AAssign explicit colors to each contour level.
LevelColor<Level> {Color}Set the colors for existing contour levels. If the level value entered does not exist, the command will nack.

Only valid if ExplicitColors has been set.

ShowUpToMaxOnly{On | Off}When On, areas where the FOM value exceeds the maximum contour level will not be shown.
RemoveAllN/ARemove all contour display levels for the specified object.

For valid {Color} options and LineStyle options see Common Options.

The following {ContourOptions} are valid for Figure of Merit on Coverage Definition Objects:

ContourLineWidth<Width>Specify the contour line width.
ShowContourLines{On | Off}When On, contour lines will display.

The following {ContourOptions} are valid for Object Coverage only:

LineWidth<Width>Specify the contour line width.

This option is only available if coverage is being calculated from a vehicle object.

LineStyle{Style}Specify the contour line style.

This option is only available if coverage is being calculated from a vehicle object.

For valid {Style} options see Common Options.

ShowGfxOnTrack{On | Off}If On and Satisfaction is selected or contours are defined, graphics providing a persistent display of time-dependent information about the Figure Of Merit are displayed.

This option is only available if coverage is being calculated from a vehicle object.

Marker{MarkerOptions}Indicates the marker style to use. See Connect help for the Graphics Marker command for a description of {MarkerOptions}.
ShowMarkerHighlight{On | Off}When On, graphics providing a highlight around the normal object marker are displayed in the graphics window and updated during animation.

When entering level values, the units of the level depends on the type of Figure Of Merit. Many Figure Of Merit types are unitless, but for example a Coverage Time or Response Time Figure Of Merit will use time units for defining the levels. Angle values are entered in degrees, all other values that are not unitless should be entered in the Scenario unit setting.


To set contour graphics for the TwoEyes figure of merit so that a color ramp is used to represent levels of coverage during animation:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/PolarIceCaps/FigureOfMerit/TwoEyes FOMContours Animation ColorRamp red white


To set contour graphics options for a figure of merit on a coverage object definition:

Graphics */CoverageDefinition/GlobalCov/FigureOfMerit/GlobalFom FOMcontours Animation ShowContourLines Off
Graphics */CoverageDefinition/GlobalCov/FigureOfMerit/GlobalFom FOMcontours Animation ShowContourLines On
Graphics */CoverageDefinition/GlobalCov/FigureOfMerit/GlobalFom FOMcontours Animation ContourLinewidth 1
Graphics */CoverageDefinition/GlobalCov/FigureOfMerit/GlobalFom FOMcontours Animation ContourLinewidth 5


To set contour graphics options for an aircraft object coverage:

Graphics */Aircraft/customAircraft FOMContours Static StartStop 0 75 25 ColorRamp red blue Show On
Graphics */Aircraft/customAircraft FOMContours Static LineWidth 3 LineStyle dashed
Graphics */Aircraft/customAircraft FOMContours Static Marker Star

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


2D Object Graphics
