Description | Example | Return message | Group

Graphics Marker

Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window


Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]]


The Graphics Marker command allows you to control the type of marker used to represent an object in the 2D Graphics window. You can specify the type of marker you wish to display for a particular object using Connect.

{MarkerType} can be:

PointN/AThe type of marker used to represent the vehicle's current position.
Custom"<FilePath>"Display the image specified using the "<FilePath>" parameter.
Custom"<FilePath>" SymbolID "<Value>" [{MIL-STDOptions}]This format is used if you wish to specify a MIL-STD 2525b symbol (military standard). The image associated with the SymbolID will be generated and displayed, and then that image will be saved to the file specified by "<FilePath>".

The SymbolID "<Value>" is a 15-character 2525b code.

To use the 2525B Symbology Marker, you must download and install the 2525B Symbol Server.

The saved image file is a bitmap file, so the "<FilePath>" must have a .bmp extension.

"<FilePath>" can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for "<SDFFilePath>" syntax information.

The following table describes the {MIL-STDOptions} available if you have specified a MIL-STD 2525b symbol id.

Filled {On | Off}Turn on or off the fill for a symbol id.
SymbolImageSize <Value>Set the size for a symbol id. The <Value> is an integer greater than zero.


To have an X represent ERS1's current positon in the 2D Graphics window:

Graphics */Satellite/ERS1 Marker X

To use the test.bmp image file to represent the ERS1's current positon in the 2D Graphics window:

Graphics */Satellite/ERS1 Marker Custom "/eng/frank/Data/test.bmp"

To use the sjgpewrh--mtusg MIL-Std 2525b symbol to represent the ERS1's current positon in the 2D Graphics window, and save the image to rrr.bmp:

Graphics */Satellite/ERS1 Marker Custom "C:\MyPixmaps\rrr.bmp" SymbolID "sjgpewrh--mtusg"

To use the sjgpewrh--mtusg MIL-Std 2525b symbol to represent the Facility's current positon in the 2D Graphics window, with fill turned off and the symbol size set to 64 pixels:

Graphics */Facility/Facility1 marker custom "c:\MyPixmaps\a1.bmp" filled off SymbolID "sjgpewrh--mtusg" SymbolImageSize 64

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets





Facilities, Places & Targets

2D Object Graphics



Stars & Planets


