Description | Example | Return message | Group

Position (Facility, Place, Target & Area Target)

Locate the position of a facility, place or target or the centroid of an area target


Position <ObjectPath> [{Type}] [{TimeValue}]

Related commands


Use the Position command to request the position of a facility, place or target or the centroid of an area target.

{Type} can be Ground or Actual. This option is valid for facility, place and target only. If not specified, or Ground is specified, then Position returns the position of the ground of the facility, place or target. If Actual is specified, then this returns the actual position of the facility, place or target (that is, it accounts for the height above ground value).

If a valid {TimeValue} is entered, then the inertial cartesian position (ground or actual as appropriate) will also be returned (i.e., Inertial X component, Inertial Y component, Inertial Z component). For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options.

The returned data is Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Fixed X component, Fixed Y component, Fixed Z component. Latitude, Longitude are returned in degrees, all other values are returned in Connect distance units.

The Altitude returned is with respect to WGS84.


To request the position of the DC facility:

Position */Facility/DC

Return message

The lat, lon, alt and fixed cartesian values of the position are returned for the facility:
38.905048 -77.016167 0.000000 1116630.007942 -4842889.881764 3984119.622669


To request the position of the Place Exton, at "1 Jun 2012 16:00":

Position */Place/Exton "1 Jun 2012 16:00:00.00"

Return message

The lat, lon, alt and fixed cartesian values of the position, and the inertial cartesian position are returned for the place:
40.028996 -75.620765 0.000000 1214535.234887 -4737429.624666 4080451.338311 2827236.576002 3994093.963699 4077053.490234

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets

Facilities, Places & Targets
