Description | Example | Return message | Group


Configure STK Data Federate (SDF) servers.


SDF <ApplicationPath> {Option} [<Parameters>]

Related commands

Your SDF Authentication Credentials enable you to use Connect commands with the STK Data Federate (SDF).


The SDF connect command sets configuration parameters for the STK Data Federate (SDF) servers in STK.

AddServer <Parameters>Add the specified server. See the table below for a description of the <Parameters>
UpdateServer <Parameters>Update the specified server. See the table below for a description of the <Parameters>
RemoveServer ServerName <ServerName>Remove the specified server.
RemoveAllServersRemove all servers.
AddFolder [ServerName <ServerName>] FolderName <FolderPath>Recursively create the specified folder location on the server.

ServerName <ServerName> is required if more than one server is available.

RemoveFolder [ServerName <ServerName>] FolderName <FolderName>Remove the specified folder from the SDF server.

ServerName <ServerName> is required if more than one server is available.

RemoveFile [ServerName <ServerName>] FileName <FileName>Remove the specified file from the SDF server.

ServerName <ServerName> is required if more than one server is available.

The following table describes the <Parameters> for the AddServer and UpdateServer options.

ServerName <ServerName>Specify the name of the server.

This <Parameter> is required for AddServer and UpdateServer.

NewServerName <NewServerName>Specify a new name for the server.

This <Parameter> is valid for UpdateServer only.

URL <URL>Specify the url location of the server.

This <Parameters> is required for AddServer.

Port <PortNumber>Specify the port number.

This <Parameter> is required for AddServer and UpdateServer.

Description <Description>Specify a description for the server.
Username <Username>Specify the username for the server.
Password <Password>Specify the password for the server.
ActiveServer {Yes | No} Indicate whether to make this server the active server.


To add a new server and make it the active server:

SDF / AddServer ServerName Test1 URL "" ActiveServer Yes Port 80

To create a folder on the server:

SDF / AddFolder FolderName "User Homes/stkUser/MyStuff/stuff"

To remove the Test1 server from the SDF:

SDF / RemoveServer ServerName Test1

To load an object and save it:

SDFLoad / ParentObject" EnableRevControl RevisionComments "Test submission - URL" PackageOverview "Satellite"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

