Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return information about STK Data Federate (SDF) servers and resources.


SDF_RM <ApplicationPath> {Option}

Related commands

Your SDF Authentication Credentials are required to access specific locations on the STK Data Federate (SDF).


The SDF_RM connect command returns information about the STK Data Federate (SDF) servers and resources in STK.

The following table describes {Option} values for returning Server information:

GetServerListReturns a list of servers.
GetActiveServersReturns a list of the active servers.
GetServerPropsReturns detailed information about the specified server.

The data returned by this parameter is dependent upon server version.

Pre-SEDS servers (2.0): "ServerName","URL","PortNumber","ServerVersion","Description","EncryptedUserName","EncryptedPassword","DefaultFolder","LastFolder","Active"

SEDS servers (3.0 and newer): "ServerName","URL","PortNumber","ServerVersion","DefaultFolder","LastFolder","Active"

The "PortNumber" value may be empty for earlier versions of SDF.

This parameter requires the user to parse the returned data dependent upon the "ServerVersion".

The SDF_RM command can also return information for SDF resources. The syntax for these options is:

SDF_RM <ApplicationPath> {Option} ResourcePath "<ResourcePath>" [ServerName <"ServerName">] [Revision <RevisionNumber>]

The ResourcePath "<ResourcePath>" specifies the file.

Paths to SDF resources are case-sensitive.

The Revision <RevisionNumber> parameter is optional and only applies if the specified resource is under revision control. If a revision number is not specified and the specified resource is under revision control, the information for the latest revision will be returned.

Use ServerName <ServerName> to specify the server. This option is required if more than one server is available.

The following table describes {Option} values for returning Resource information:

GetResourceNameReturns the name of the specified resource.
GetResourceFullNameReturns the full name (URL) of the specified resource.
GetResourceCurrentVersionReturns the revision number for the latest (head) revision of the specified resource.

The [<RevisionNumber>] parameter should not be included for this option.

GetResourceRevisionCommentsReturns the comments associated with the specified revision.
GetResourceCreatedByUserReturns the user who created the specified resource.
GetResourceCreationTimeReturns the creation time of the specified resource. The value returned is a UNIX time value (the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, January 1st, 1970 UTC).
GetResourceLastModifiedTimeReturns the last modified time of the specified resource. The value returned is a UNIX time value (the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, January 1st, 1970 UTC).
GetResourceIsRevisionControlledReturns TRUE if the specified resource is under revision control and FALSE if it is not.

The [<RevisionNumber>] parameter should not be included for this option.

GetResourceSizeReturns the size (in bytes) of the specified resource.

You can get resource information from a scenario that was loaded from SDF using the file's SDF URL using any of the above options. Please refer to the example below for reference.


To get resource information from a scenario that was loaded from SDF using the file's SDF URL:

SDF_RM / GetResourceName ""


To return a list of all active servers:

SDF_RM / GetActiveServers

Return message

Connect returns the active server names:


To return information about a server:

SDF_RM / GetServerProps ServerName "AGI SEDS SDF"

Return message

Connect returns information about the specified server:
"AGI SEDS SDF","","443","3.2.0","","","Yes"


To return the last modified time of the specified resource:

SDF_RM / GetResourceLastModifiedTime ResourcePath "/Users/john/" ServerName ServerA

Return message

Connect returns the last modified time, in UNIX time:


To return the full name of revision 3 of the specified resource:

SDF_RM / GetResourceFullName "" 1.0

Return message

Connect returns the full url:
"AGI SEDS SDF" optimizedcommlink.vdf

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

