Description | Example | Return message | Group


Save or check in a VDF or STK object to the STK Data Federate (SDF) servers.


SDFSave <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> "<ServerFilePath>" [<Options>]

Related commands

Your SDF Authentication Credentials enable you to use Connect commands with the STK Data Federate (SDF).


The SDFSave connect command allows a user to save or check-in a VDF or STK object as a file on the STK Data Federate (SDF) server.

The <ObjectPath> specifies the object being saved. The "<ServerFilePath>" specifies the file path on the SDF server, including the server name as seen on the GUI.

The following table describes the optional parameters.

RevisionComments "<Comments>" Enter information about the changes that you have made to the file.
PackageOverview "<Overview>" Enter overview information about the file. If not specified any previous overview will be retained.
EnableRevControlEnter this option to configure the file for versioning. If not entered the file will be saved normally.

This option has been deprecated. As of SDF v2.0 revision control will always be on. Entering this option will no longer have any effect.


To check the BasicSTK VDF into the SDF:

SDFSave / * "AGI SEDS SDF:\\Users/stkUser" RevisionComments "This is the initial submission." PackageOverview "This is my BasicSTK scenario."

To check-in the SOPHIA aircraft to the SDF:

SDFSave / */Aircraft/SOPHIA "AGI SEDS SDF:\\Users/stkUser" RevisionComments "This is the initial submission." PackageOverview "This is my SOPHIA aircraft file."

To save a file to SDF using the file's SDF URL:

SDFSave / */Satellite/Satellite1 "" EnableRevControl RevisionComments "Test submission - URL" PackageOverview "Satellite"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


