Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set search criteria, perform a search, and insert search results into the Scenario


SOC <ScenarioPath> {Options} <Parameters>

Related commands


The SOC command allows you to set search criteria, perform a search, and insert the search results into the Scenario.

The following table describes the {Options} and their <Parameters>.

SetObjectTypeType {ObjectType}

Set the type of the object you are searching for. You can get the valid values for {ObjectType} by using the SOC_RM command with the GetObjectTypes option.

This command will clear all search criteria and search results.

This command must be sent before any other SOC commands.

AddSearchCriteriaField "<FieldName>" {Value | Values | Min | Max} "<Value>"

For a Text field use the Value parameter and the "<Value>"

For a Choices field use the Values parameter and list the items to include in the search "<Item1>,<Item2>,<Item3>...". Items must exactly match the values returned from the SOC_RM GetSearchFields command.

For a Numeric Range or Date Range field enter the Min and/or Max parameter, each with a numeric "<Value>" in the unit specified in the SOC_RM GetSearchFields command.

ClearSearchCriteriaN/AClear the previously entered search criteria. This allows you to set new search criteria for the currently set object type.
InsertSearchResultResultNumber <Number>Insert the specified search result into the Scenario. <Number> is an index into the search results that are returned by the SOC_RM command with the GetSearchResults option.


First, get the object type values:

SOC_RM * GetObjectTypes

Set the object type for the search:

SOC * SetObjectType Type "Spacecraft"

Get the field names for the object type:

SOC_RM * GetSearchFields

Add the search criteria:

SOC * AddSearchCriteria Field "Owner" Values "US,UK"
SOC * AddSearchCriteria Field "Inclination" Min "60" Max "120"

Get the search results:

SOC_RM * GetSearchResults

Insert the first search result object into the Scenario:

SOC * InsertSearchResults ResultNumber "1"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


