Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return information needed to set up a search of the SOC


SOC_RM <ScenarioPath> {Options}

Related commands


The SOC_RM command returns information that allows a user to set up the search criteria and searches the SOC.

The following table describes the {Options}.

GetObjectTypesReturn a list of available object types for searching.
GetSearchFieldsReturn a list of search fields for the selected object type.
GetSearchResultsReturn a list of objects found based on the search criteria entered with the SOC command.
GetSearchCriteriaReturn a list of the defined search criteria.


Get the available object type values:

SOC_RM * GetObjectTypes

Return message

Cities Facilities Spacecraft

Get the search field names for the object type:

SOC_RM * GetSearchFields

Return message

This is just a sampling of the data returned by this command.
Name or ID;Text Owner;Choices;AB,ABS,AC,ALG...US,USBZ,VENZ,VTNM Periapsis Altitude;Numeric Range;Double;DistanceUnit;km;0,999999

Get the search results:

SOC_RM * GetSearchResults

Return message

ISS;sscNumber,25544;officialName,ISS;OperationalStatus,Active ZARYA;sscNumber,25544;officialName,ISS;OperationalStatus,Active

Get the search results:

SOC_RM * GetSearchCriteria

Return message

Field = Name or ID; Value = 25544 Field = Owner; Values = US,UK Field = Inclination; Min = 60; Max = 120

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


