Description | Example | Return message | Group


For Facilities, Places, and Targets the commmand sets the maximum step to take when computing lighting times when using terrain (or when using an AzEl mask in the case of Facility/Place/Target).

For Vehicles the command sets the maximum step to take when computing lighting times. Vehicles allow a maximum stepsize to be set separately for each lighting model: central body shape (CbShape) and terrain. In the case of Facility/Place/Target, the maximum stepsize setting is used when using terrain or an AzElMask as the lighting model.


Facility/Place/Target SetLightingMaxStep <ObjectPath> <Duration>


Vehicles SetLightingMaxStep <ObjPath> [CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize> {[CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize>}

Related commands


The following table describes the options.

<Duration> (Facility/Places/Targets) Specify the value in Connect time units. Indicates the maximum step to take when computing lighting times when using terrain (or when using an AzEl mask in the case of Facility/Place/Target). Note that a value of zero indicates that the lighting algorithm will choose the maximum step size during the computation.
<MaxStepSize> (Vehicles)Specify the value in Connect time units. Indicates the maximum step to take when computing lighting times when using the specified lighting model (CbShape or Terrain). The maximum stepsize for both lighting models can be set using one command. Note that a value of zero indicates that the lighting algorithm will choose the maximum step size during the computation.


To set the maximum step when computing lighting times:

SetLightingMaxStep */Satellite/Shuttle 10

To set the maximum step when computing for vehicles:

SetLightingMaxStep */Satellite/Shuttle Terrain 10.0

To set the maximum step when computing for with Terrain and CbShape

SetLightingMaxStep */Satellite/Shuttle Terrain 5.0 CbShape 3600.0

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets


