Description | Example | Return message | Group


To enable or disable the consideration of terrain data for calculations


UseTerrain <ObjectPath> {UseOption}


If the UseTerrain command is On, STK automatically considers terrain data in calculations for a specified facility, place, target, or area target. The object for which terrain data will be considered is indicated using the <ObjectPath>.

Facility, Place & Target{On | Off}If On, terrain data will automatically be considered for altitude information.
Area Targets{On | Off}If On, terrain data will automatically be considered when determining an area target's centroid position.

The UseTerrain command is no longer the appropriate command for setting terrain use with great arc vehicles. The AltitudeRef command should be used with great arc vehicles. The functionality of the UseTerrain command with respect to great arc vehicles is still in place for the purpose of backward compatibility, but this use of the command is no longer supported.


To use terrain data when calculating the altitude of Facility1:

UseTerrain */Facility/Facility1 On

To use terrain data when calculating AreaTarget1's centroid position:

UseTerrain */AreaTarget/AreaTarget1 On

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets

Facilities, Places & Targets

2D Object Graphics
