Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO Annotation Time

Display the time in a 3D window


VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Time {AnnotationOption} <Parameters>

Related commands


The VO Annotation Time command allows you to display and control the state and appearance of the Time annotation display using the {AnnotationOptions}.

{AnnotationOptions} can be specified in any order, and any number of {AnnotationOptions} can be used in a single command.

Show{On | Off}Display the time in the specified 3D window.
ShowFPS{On | Off}Display the frames per second in the specified 3D window.
ShowTimeStep{On | Off}Display the current animation time step in the specified 3D window.
Color{Color}Specify the color of the time display. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
XPos<Value>Set the position of the time display measured from the left side of the 3D window using a value between 0 and 1000000.0.
YPos<Value>Set the position of the time display measured from the bottom of the 3D window. using a value between 0 and 1000000.0.
Size{Small | Medium | Large}Set the size of the text displayed in the 3D window.
WindowID<WinNumber>Indicate the 3D window within which the annotation should appear. If the WindowID option is not specified, the annotations will appear in the first 3D window. If you specify a <WinNumber> that doesn't exist, Connect returns a NACK.


Display the time and frames per second in 3D Graphics window #2:

VO * Annotation Time Show On ShowFPS On WindowID 2


To change the position and color of the time annotation in the first 3D window:

Vo * Annotation Time XPos 20.0 YPos 20.0 Color Red

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



VO Objects

