Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO AttFOMContours

Display 3D contour graphics for an attitude figure of merit


VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>]


Related commands

The VO AttFOMContours command allows you to define the display levels of coverage quality in the 3D Graphics window. Contour levels represent the gradations in coverage quality.

{GfxType} can be:

StaticContour levels display coverage data for all points based on evaluation over the entire coverage interval.
AnimationContour levels display coverage data for all points based on the current animation time.

{ContourOption} can be:

ShowOnToggle the display of coverage quality levels on and off without loosing the levels set.
UseStaticOnUse all {Contour} options defined for Static graphics when displaying animation graphics.

Option is valid only if {GfxType} is set to Animation.

StartStop<StartLevel> <StopLevel> <Step>Generate contour values beginning with the <StartLevel> and incrementing by the <Step> until the <StopLevel> is exceeded.
ColorRamp[{StartColor} {EndColor}]Color the first contour level with the {StartColor} specified, the last contour level with the {EndColor} specified, and apply a aspectrum pattern to all levels in between. If you don't specify a {StartColor} and {EndColor}, default colors are chosen for you.
ExplicitLevel<Level> {Color}Specify the color of a particular contour level.

If you set {ContourOptions} to ColorRamp, then send an ExplicitLevel command, the change requested by the second command is ignored because the color ramp controls the color choice for graphics.

ExplicitColorsN/AAssign explicit colors to each contour level.
LevelColor<Level> {Color}Indicate the level and color for each contour level.

Only valid if ExplicitColors has been set.

ShowUpToMaxOnly{On | Off}When On, areas where the FOM value exceeds the max contour level will not be shown.
RemoveAllN/ARemove all contour display levels for the specified object.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.


To display static contours and set levels using start and stop values:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1/AttitudeFigureOfMerit/attFOM1 AttFOMContours Static Show On StartStop 1 20 5

To use values set for static graphics when displaying animation graphics:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1/AttitudeFigureOfMerit/attFOM1 AttFOMContours Animation Show On UseStatic On

To remove all animation contour levels:

VO */Satellite/Sat1/AttitudeCoverage/attCov1/AttitudeFigureOfMerit/attFOM1 AttFOMContours Animation RemoveAll

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


Attitude Coverage

