Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO View

Set parameters for the view in a 3D window


VO <ScenarioPath> View {Options}

Related commands


The VO View command enables you to set several 3D viewing parameters for a 3D window. These parameters are typically controlled from the View From Position and View To Direction dialog.

After setting the parameters for the view, send the VO ViewFromTo command with the Reset option to update the 3D Graphics window. (e.g. VO * ViewFromTo Reset)

TopOrients the view to look down towards the central body.
NorthOrients the view to look north.
HomeResets the view in the 3D window to your home view.
NextReferenceFrameChanges the view reference frame to the next frame in the list.

This option is valid for FromTo mode only.

SetReferenceFrame "<AxesComponent>" [WindowID <WinNum>]Set the reference frame to the specified Axes. The specified Axes must be valid for the current view, i.e. this command will not change the View, just the reference frame.

This option is valid for FromTo mode only.

AddReferenceFrame <Parameters>For FromTo mode <Parameters> are

"<AxesComponent>" Object {<TruncObjPath> | CentralBody}

If <TruncObjPath> is entered, it must be an existing object truncated path. The Axes will be added to the Class list of the object.

For Untethered mode <Parameters> is


RemoveReferenceFrame <Parameters>For FromTo mode <Parameters> are

"<AxesComponent>" Object {<TruncObjPath> | CentralBody}

If <TruncObjPath> is entered, it must be an existing object truncated path. The Axes will be removed from the Class list of the object.

For Untethered mode <Parameters> is


Mouse Speed {Slower | Faster | Reset}Specify one of the following:
  • Slower. Decrease the mouse rotation speed to achieve finer viewpoint control.
  • Faster. Increase the mouse rotation speed to achieve coarser viewpoint control.
  • Reset. Set the mouse rotation speed to the default value.
Mouse Inertia {On | Off}Turn On for quicker mouse movement, turn Off for more precise mouse movement.
Zoom { FractionOfCB <Value> | Distance <Value> | Speed {Slower | Faster | Reset | <Value>} | SpeedRelativeToCBDistance {On|Off} }FractionOfCB <Value>

Zoom in (+ numbers) or out (- numbers). <Value> is multiplied by the view central body reference radius.

Distance <Value>

Zoom in (+ numbers) or out (- numbers) the distance <Value> specified. <Value> is in Connect distance units.

Speed {Slower | Faster | Reset | <Value>}

Set the Zoom speed. <Value> can be between -10.0 and 10.0. A negative number decreases the zoom speed, a positive number increases it.

SpeedRelativeToCBDistance {On|Off}

Set the Zoom speed relative to the distance from the central body. As you get closer to the surface, your zoom increment becomes smaller.

Parameters UpAxis {[X | -X | Y | -Y | Z | -Z}] [UseUpAxis {On | Off}]}Specify one of the following:
  • UpAxis {X | -X | Y | -Y | Z | -Z}. Indicate which axis of the selected reference frame should be fixed pointing vertical in the 3D window.
  • UseUpAxis {On | Off}. If On, orient the view from the selected up axis.
Rotate {RelativeSpeed | PanOnCentralBodies} {On | Off}Set RelativeSpeed to enable/disable the auto-selection of mouse rotation sensitivity depending on the distance to the viewed object. If On, the closer you zoom towards the object you are looking at, mouse rotation speed will decrease for finer viewpoint control.

Set PanOnCentralBodies to enable/disable panning on central bodies. If On, when a user initiates a scene rotation with the mouse over a central body the clicked position will move where the mouse is dragged, whenever possible.

LockViewDirection {On | Off}When On this will disable all rotation in the 3D window. Zooming is still allowed as is twisting if Constrained "Up" Vector is ON.
FromTo {{FromToOptions} | {FromOptions} {ToOptions}} Define the View. Enter {FromToOptions} if the From and To values are the same. Otherwise, enter both {FromOptions} and {ToOptions}. Additional options and parameters are described in the following tables.
WindowID <WinNumber>Enter the number of the 3D window to which the changes will be applied.

VO View FromTo

The following tables describe the parameters and values used to define a view using the FromTo option.

To set additional views use the VO ViewFromTo command. To create views using Vectors use the VO ViewAlongDirection command.

Use {FromToOption} when the name of the view from direction or object and the view to direction or object are the same. The FromToRegName and FromToName parameters are required.

FromToRegName "<RegisteredName>"Enter the registered name that specifies the type of view being defined.
FromToName "<ViewName>"Enter the name that indicates the specific view being defined.
FromToCallData "<CallDataValue>"CallData is the additional data necessary to define the view position or object. Depending on the FromToRegName entered, this value may be optional. See table below for details.

Use {FromOption} to define the view from direction or object. The FromRegName and FromName parameters are required.

FromRegName "<RegisteredName>"Enter the registered name that specifies the type of view being defined.
FromName "<ViewName>"Enter the name that indicates the specific view being defined.
FromCallData "<CallDataValue>"CallData is the additional data necessary to define the view position or object. Depending on the FromToRegName entered, this value may be optional. See table below for details.

Use {ToOption} to define the view to direction or object. The ToRegName and ToName parameters are required.

ToRegName "<RegisteredName>"Enter the registered name that specifies the type of view being defined.
ToName "<ViewName>"Enter name that indicates the specific view being defined.
ToCallData "<CallDataValue>"CallData is the additional data necessary to define the view position or object. Depending on the FromToRegName entered, this value may be optional. See table below for details.

The following table further describes the "<RegisteredName>", "<ViewName>" and "<CallDataValue>" values, used to define a view.

"View Central Body""<CBName>"N/AThe view direction is to or from the specified Central body.
"STK Object""<TruncObjectPath>"N/AThe view direction is to or from the specified object.
"Latitude, Longitude, Altitude" "Latitude, Longitude, Altitude""Lat <LatInDegrees> Lon <LonInDegrees> Alt <AltInMeters>"The view direction is to or from the coordinates specified.

This View type is valid as FromTo only.

"Untethered""Untethered"InitialAttitude {Origin | Current}

SystemDef '{Name <SystemName> {CBName <CentralBodyName> | Object <SystemObjectName>}}'

Speed <Speed>

AlignViewDirWithOrigin {On | Off}

The view is not attached to any specific object or location. Enter any or all of the "<CallDataValue>" options, all enclosed in double quotes.

This View type is valid as FromTo only.

Origin resets the camera's initial attitude to the system's origin, while Current sets it to the default (From/To) attitude.

Speed indicates the speed of the camera and is entered in meters/second.

AlignViewDirWithOrigin aligns the view with the system origin.

"STK Object VGT Point""<PointComponent>"N/ASpecify the direction of the view as a point.

To set additional views, including those using Axes and Vectors, use the VO ViewFromTo command.

Specifying a Component

Use this format to specify a Vector Geometry Tool Component. The syntax is:

"<TruncObjectPath> <Name> <Type>"

Where <TruncObjectPath> is a truncated object path or central body path for the component; <Name> is the component name, and <Type> is the component type, for example Point, Axes or System.

Deprecated Options

The following "<RegisteredName>" values have been replaced in STK 9.

Pre-STK 9 NameUse This Instead:
"Central Body""View Central Body"
"STK Object Direction""STK Object"


To orient the view in the first 3D window to look down towards the central body:

VO * View Top

To orient the view in the second 3D window to look north:

VO * View North WindowID 2

To increase the mouse rotation speed for coarser viewpoint control in the first 3D window:

VO View Mouse Speed Faster

To decrease the mouse rotation speed for finer viewpoint control in the first 3D window:

VO View Mouse WindowID 1 Speed Slower

To zoom out 0.5 times the central body reference radius:

VO * View Zoom WindowID 1 FractionofCB -0.5

To allow unconstrained view rotation:

VO * View Parameters UseUpAxis Off

To set the up axis to -Z and orient the view from that axis:

VO * View Parameters UseUpAxis On UpAxis -Z

To enable rotation in the second 3D window:

VO * View LockViewDirection Off WindowID 2


To select the untethered mode with the initial attitude set to origin and the view direction aligned with the system's origin:

VO * View FromTo FromToRegName "Untethered" FromToName "Untethered" FromToCallData "Speed 50000 SystemDef 'Name Body Object Aircraft/Aircraft1' InitialAttitude Origin AlignViewDirWithOrigin On"

To select the untethered mode with the initial attitude set to origin and with the view direction aligned with the system's origin turned off:

VO * View FromTo FromToRegName "Untethered" FromToName "Untethered" FromToCallData "Speed 50000 SystemDef 'Name Body Object Aircraft/Aircraft1' InitialAttitude Origin AlignViewDirWithOrigin Off"

To orient the view in the first 3D window so that you can view and rotate around Satellite1:

VO * View FromTo FromRegName "STK Object" FromName "Satellite/Satellite1" ToRegName "STK Object" ToName "Satellite/Satellite1" WindowID 1

To orient the view, using the From/To viewing mode, so that you are looking from Satellite1 (the view from object) towards Earth (the view to direction):

VO * View FromTo FromRegName "STK Object" FromName "Satellite/Satellite1" ToRegName "View Central Body" ToName "Earth"

In order to set the view for an MTO object, please note that stk just views the MTO object's computational track, so set the compute track first, then set the view options:

Track */MTO/MTO1 ComputeTrackID 1
VO * View FromTo FromRegName "STK Object" FromName "MTO/MTO1" ToRegName "STK Object" ToName "MTO/MTO1"

To view from Facility1 Center Point to Earth:

VO * View FromTo FromRegName "STK Object VGT Point" FromName "Facility/Facility1 Center Point" ToRegName "View Central Body" ToName "Earth"

Set the view fromto to the specified Lat, Lon, Alt coordinates:

VO * View FromTo FromToRegName "Latitude, Longitude, Altitude" FromToName "Latitude, Longitude, Altitude" FromToCallData "Lat 43.0 Lon 10.0 Alt 0.12"


In Untethered mode add and then remove a reference frame:

VO * View AddReferenceFrame "CentralBody/Earth MOJ2000 System"
VO * View RemoveReferenceFrame "CentralBody/Earth MOJ2000 System"

In FromTo mode add a reference frame to the Satellite class:

VO * View AddReferenceFrame "CentralBody/Earth B1950 Axes" Object Satellite/Satellite1

In FromTo mode set the reference frame for the current view:

VO * View SetReferenceFrame "CentralBody/Earth B1950 Axes" WindowId 2

In FromTo mode remove a reference frame from the Satellite class:

VO * View RemoveReferenceFrame "CentralBody/Earth B1950 Axes" Object Satellite/Satellite1

In FromTo mode add a reference frame for the CentralBody:

VO * View AddReferenceFrame "CentralBody/Earth TEMED Axes" Object CentralBody

To change the view reference frame in the first 3D window to the next view reference frame in the list:

VO * View NextReferenceFrame

To change the view reference frame in the third 3D window to the next view reference frame in the list:

VO * View NextReferenceFrame WindowID 3


To change the zoom speed:

VO * View Zoom Speed Faster
VO * View Zoom Speed -4.5

Return message


Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



VO Objects
