Table View
The Table View offers a tabular display of tasks and task assignments.
The Task List/Gantt Chart may be viewed by clicking the button on the STK Scheduler Tool Bar.
Table View
If this view appears blank, STK Scheduler may be in graphics-off mode. See Graphics Updates Feature for more information.
The table view consists of a series of columns each used to display a detail about the tasks that populate the rows. Each column has a descriptive header. By clicking on the column header, the tasks will be sorted in ascending order by the entries of that column. Clicking the header a second time will cause the task to be sorted in descending order. The width of the columns of the table may be resized by clicking the dividing line between adjacent column headers and dragging the line to the left or right. The column order may also be modified by clicking in the center of a column header and dragging it either left or right to a new position.
Tasks with a duration option of Maximize - Allow Handovers may have multiple resource and timeslot assignments. Start = first assignment start time, Stop = last assignment stop time, and Duration = total assigned duration (sum of all assignments).
Because the table view does not require a large number of graphical objects to be created and update, it may offer considerable performance advantages over the Graphical View when working with schedules with large numbers of tasks, resources or timeslots. Various icons appear to the left of the task names. The description of the various colors and icons used in the table may be found on the Legend.
If a task appears red in color, this indicates that a violation has occurred. Right-click on the object and select Report from the pop-up menu. The resulting task report will indicate the nature of the violation. See Schedule Validation for more information.
Several of the view options found in the View menu of the Menu Bar are not compatible with the table view. These options will appear deactivated.
At anytime the Table View may be refreshed using the button on the Tool Bar.
Right-click on an row brings up a context menu similar to that in the Task Menu. This menu, however, has additional "Lock/Override Assignment" and "Unlock Assignment" options. These options lock and unlock, respectively, the assignment that was right-clicked if its task is a handover task. Otherwise, the assignment will not be affected.