Timeslot Definition Form
The timeslot definition form contains the controls necessary to modify the attributes of a timeslot.
To view the Timeslot Definition Form, click the Edit or Add button on the Timeslot Definition Tab of the Task Definition Form.
Timeslot Definition Form
Start Time Date Time Picker
The start time date time picker displays the start time of the timeslot. The start time is not user-editable.
Stop Time Date Time Picker
The stop time date time picker displays the end time of the timeslot. The stop time is not user-editable.
Preferred Start Time Date Time Picker
The preferred start time date time picker displays the preferred start time of the timeslot. The preferred start time is user-editable and must be between the start time and the stop time minus the minimum task duration.
Task Desirability Textbox
The task desirability textbox displays the desirability value of the timeslot. The desirability value reflects one timeslot's likelihood of being used over another. Desirability uses a scale from 0 to 100 with 0 being the least desirable. The default desirability value is a function of the individual priority values of each resource that is used by that timeslot as well as the scheduling preference defined on the General Tab of the Task Definition Form. The desirability value may be changed by typing a valid number into the textbox. Alternatively, the and
buttons may be used to select a desirability value.
Comment (Optional)
The comment textbox is provided to allow you to retain textual information. The information will be retained as an attribute of the timeslot.
OK Button
Clicking the OK button accepts the timeslot attributes as depicted by the contents of the various controls and closes the Timeslot Definition form and then closes the form.
Cancel Button
Clicking the Cancel button rejects the timeslot attributes as depicted by the content of the various controls and closes the Timeslot Definition Form.